Ok, I got them on safely.... here's the steps I used to get the super snug men on a brown marble coin op:
-clean and polish the exposed rod surfaces with fine steel wool and lubricant, file/polish down any noticible rust spots or textures
-remove old men pins with super pin punch and hammer, protect rod and bearings by using good support or a rod block
-lubricate rod uniformly / especially around the exiting man in the direction of travel
-twist off the outside man (if necessary, place one end of the rod on the floor,apply some gentle weight/force on the leg, rubber hammer his head lightly till he moves)
-notice how a tornado man still smiles when he is seriously abused
-to prevent damage to following men, debur each pin hole with a small 8" fine tooth flat file - hole needs to be smooth on both sides or it will tear up the following men
-repeat until all men are off the rod
-apply lubricant liberally around the inside of new men and the end of rod
-using the handle pin hole as reference, orient the first man correctly
-gently tap him on with a rubber hammer until the man is flush with end
-using an old man tap the new man on few inches
-repeat until the bar is loaded
-blow / clean out the target pin hole on the rod
-lubricate the rod uniformly
-apply some force on his leg and gently tap his head until his is near positioned
-repeat until all the men are near their position
-using the handle or another man, align one man perfectly, pass a pin punch to test alignment, place pins releif gap toward the head, then tap it in
-repeat, knowing each following man becomes easier as you have more to grasp and twist
-remember the bar needs to be loaded, leave some pin punching until the end
things I noticed / notes:
-leaving an old one on one end can help with loading new ones...
-apply lubricant liberally, if the figure stalls on a dry spot you may regret it
-if necessary to hammer, do your best to use a wide firm rubber hammer and hit the shoulder square. (my steel hammer was doing some damage due to localized impact on the shoulders)
-the old men enjoy being beat well past retirement, use and abuse them if you are hung up
-I used super lube found on this site and the 10 man upgrade kit... to do a whole table used half a tube
-wear latex or similar gloves
*** I am new at this... any suggestions??? I will edit if the pros want to chime in? ***