Hello all! like i said , im new. Basically, i played as a kid but have not retained many skills. 2 months ago i was in a thrift shop and came acroos a table that had just been put out that day. Well, i already had a very active game-room, but never a foos-table.Anyhoo , the table was $70 and i could not pass it up.So turns out friends i have known for years had Foos-skills i never knew about. Needless to say, my game-room has exploded into Foos Mania! its just an awesome game for the true gamer. I spent the last hour (finally did it) researching on you-tube and then found this forum. i checked out the vid section and realized ive already seen many of you on you-tube. Some uh you guys are just sick! so im anxious to improve and hope to be part of ya'lls community. BTW the table i got is a Harvard. its real nice , but not like the Tornados n stuff. was $70 a good deal? Honestly now im kinda ready to upgrade, but some guys that dont have skills slam the table or spin out o' control (lame i know i hate it). although maybe the better tables are sturdier. So any advice or tips i can recieve i really appreciate, thanks for havin me! B