
Need to replace Playfield

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Need to replace Playfield
« on: November 04, 2007, 03:25:14 PM »
I just received a replacement playfield and need to know how to remove the old one and install the new one. Any information or pointers would be most appreciated.

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 11:15:11 AM »
Why is replacement necessary?

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 12:55:03 PM »
brand new table and playfield sagged slightly in the middle.

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 04:36:21 PM »
I would think twice before tackling this chore. First thing is will the situation improve? How bad is it? Is there another easier solution?

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 08:48:13 AM »
There is enough of a sag to affect the play. If you push or pull the bar on the 2-bar (slingshot style), the ball tracks toward the 3-bar enough to throw off the shot. When slowly controlling the ball on the 2-bar there is enough drift that the ball can roll away from you to the opponents 3-bar. I find this unacceptable on a brand new table. Valley's solution was to send me the replacement part (i am not thrilled). Now i must replace the playfield. So i am still looking for someone who has done this and get some advice before I tackle this job.

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 04:44:49 PM »
I am reluctant to tear down a new table. I agree with you on the unaceptable roll, however I am going to recommend a couple of things prior to surgery which is always the last resort. Get a large (35mm) ballbearing from a machine shop. Roll it around slowly where you think the low spot is. The bearing can be less than 35mm, but it should be big. Or try something like a golf ball or a marble. Try anything round. Do extensive slow roll testing. It is time well spent to find the exact low spot. Often times these rolls are due to a slight leveling problem. Be certain the table is level for play as much as possible by using the various diameter round items like the ballbearing and marble. Sometimes a level is useful, but I don't rely on it alone, it is not accurate enough. One possible fix after finding the low spot is to turn the table upside down and put some weight on it (playfield) and leave it a while. Don't be shy about the amount of weight, use something heavy right on the low spot. Usually the sag on Tornado is in the middle so I am suspicious as to why it is only on one end between the 2 and 3. Let me know how the bearing rolls. It is OK to shoot it a few times, not too hard, to check the roll. I have put in a lot of playfields of all kinds, it is a big job and not undertaken lightly, so don't rush it yet. If you feel like you can call me and I will  advise you over the phone. I work days so after 6:30 until 8:30 PM MST is best.
Oly 605-343-5216

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 06:15:42 PM »
Hey thanks for taking the time for such a detailed response. I have measured the table extensively and used various levels. The process i was describing above was to point out the effect the sag has on play. Using the level i can pinpoint the sag throughout the table top. At the center the level is perfect but as you move the level out towards the sides and ends the level goes off pitching back towards the middle. The effect is more dramatic for some reason around the 2-bar but it can be seen all over the table. The defect affects play but i suppose could be ignored but this kills me. i just spent $1500 on a brand new table and now i end up with a defective table.
Valley sent the replacement playfield but did not send the worker to do the install :)

The distributor has worked hard to get me various replacement parts, and i am grateful for all of his assistance and work, but Valley has really left a sour taste in my mouth for sure.   

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2007, 07:15:48 PM »
I'd make darn sure that the new playfield is flat before going to all the trouble of tearing down a new table. I remember Tornado actually put screws UNDER the playfield on coin ops to counteract sag. They had quite a few under there that gave some adjustment  so it must have been an issue at one time. Some playfields are home model and some are coin op. Which did you get? I might not use the one they sent if it won't play right. Better roll some marbles on it and see. I would definetely get a FLAT playfield first or... make your own. Let me know how it goes. One suggestion from a non player was to install a fifth leg (including leveler) in the middle of the playfield thus preventing sag.

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 12:31:13 PM »
Grandmaster, great idea! thank god i checked. The replacement playfield is cupped! you can put it down on a tile floor and spin it like a top. When sitting like this you can rock it towards all four corners. What the hell is going on at Valley? You would think that if a playfield is being sent out under a warranty issue, they would examine the replacement part before shipping. Do i have to order the special "non warped" playfields? You can see the warp visually no measurements needed.

I wish i had some witty remark to make lite of all this but am too disappointed. Any thoughts where to go next?

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 06:11:29 PM »
The problem with foosball being a big success is that Tornado had to ramp up production  (which is good) and unfortunately quality suffers a bit. The ultimate solution is to replace the table with another one that plays right. Or make a playfield. Try the warranty solution first. Tell them there is no use in puting in a warped playfield . Tell them you want a replacement table that is worth the money they already have. Give them back that warped playfield too

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2007, 05:38:39 PM »
I have the same problem with my Tornado coin op table.  It is only about 5 months old, and the ball drifts toward the center men on a rod even if it is stopped near the side wall (the field sags in the middle from the sides, but not really from the ends).  I talked to tech support at Valley today, and the guy I talked to said to turn out the screws that hold the playfield in place and let the table sit.  I guess they have had some problems with sagging fields, and this has solved the issue in some cases.  He also said that I should call them back in about a month if the field doesn't shape up, and they will send a replacement.  The table is really nice, but it is disappointing that the play is so adversely affected by the problem.

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2007, 06:39:55 PM »
Good post. I'd like to hear if you see any improvement.

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2008, 03:16:49 AM »
I followed the instructions given to me by Valley-Dyanamo concerning turning out the screws holding the playfield in place to see if the warping would subside.  Unfortunately, nothing happened.  It might be that the warping is even worse now though I did not take good enough measurements to tell for sure.
I have also contacted Valley-Dynamo back, and they said that they will replace the suface for me.  I have had to go through the retailer that I bought the table from, but I should be getting a new surface.
Replacing the surface in a coin-op table does not look to be too difficult, so if you suffer from the issue of a warped surface, don't hesitate to contact Valley.  They seem to be extremely attentive to complaints of their customers, especially on important things like playing surface warp (and chrome peeling on rods of their less expensive tables as I have experienced also).

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Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2008, 05:05:53 PM »
I was at Tornado's show room last weekend and showed Courington the reason why tops are warping.  Whats happened is the plant is not putting a backer sheet on the backside of  playing surfaces.  At some point the manufacturing group eliminated the backer sheet and replaced it with 2 sided Melimine MDF fiberboard.   When you glue laminate on one surface only, it pulls the surface toward the middle as the glue cures causing it to cup as you described.  There is no fix other than to install gussets underneath or Levelers on the ball return rails and force the bow out.

My hope is that Dave will be able to get the Manufacturing group to stop using Melimine and return to building a balanced board with backer sheets.

Re: Need to replace Playfield
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2013, 10:13:51 PM »
I know its been years, but if you ask a question that already has a thread people tend tell you theres already a thread. lol. I recently purchased a used blond coin op that i didnt notice 'til after the fact bows down the length of the table through the center. Is this something I can potentially fix at this point or should I replace the playfield? If its playfield can someone explain how or give me a link to the proper thread or video? Thanks if anyone is able to help on this long dormant thread.