
Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?

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Offline Billings Semi-pro

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Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« on: December 03, 2007, 02:03:20 AM »
Where to buy wraps with cool designs?  Who has the best price?

Who, what, where, how, and why with foosball wraps (tennis overgrips).  Yonex?  Gamma Supreme?  Forten?  TTR's?  Hand Printed Gamma's?  I like tacky wraps and interested in grooved wraps as well.  I just need some wraps that have cool designs as well as features.  Are the hand printed Gamma's wraps the only option besides TTR's and Sportsmaster?  Help.

Offline Billings Semi-pro

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 02:13:18 AM »

I found this website.  Anything else on the market that I am missing?

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2007, 10:04:08 AM »
from a previous said you want colors and you will get lots of choice with Master Wrap...I don't know how much you know about wraps but since you don't know where to get them I will assume not much

let me tell you a couple of things

First off, thickness means something and how a wrap feels and plays is much different when using a "thick" wrap verses a "thin" wrap...example is the Master Wrap line...very big difference between the 2 and you will find this with other wraps from Tennis compaines (called Overwraps in Tennis)

Second, a wrap with the same thickness, same company, same wrap material, and different color will not feel, wrap, or play the same...something about how the color die interacts with the wrap material so it is not only about getting the color you want...for me it started about color cause I wanted something that fit my personality but now it is strickly about best wrap for me...I use the Master Wrap Thin Yellow

Third, how you wrap makes a difference too...some people pull very hard and wrap the wrap very tight...using the same wrap, same handle, and someone like that wraps and then you play one I wrap (I wrap with minimal amount of torque) you will find two things...first, they play and feel much differnent...second, the tight wraped ones won't last as long

Forth and can't judge a wrap by its price.  I used to use Wilson Overgrips White and would buy them in rolls of $30 which made them about $1 a peace including shipping but now I use Master Wraps which are $2 no matter where you buy them...I have found Master Wraps last at least twice as long so I really don't end up paying wouldn't matter to me because I am going to use what I think is best but most people I know are significantly influenced by the way, I still think the Wilson's are a good wrap, I just like the Master Wraps much better and the last longer but Wilson is number 2...but, if you want to try the Wilson's, you can usually get them at Walmart and recently someone I know found them 3 for $2 which is a great price

------------------previous post from Man repair, punching the roll pins out,,, -----------------------

the only exception is wraps and wraps bands...the best place for those is

some people make there own wrap bands but if you are like me and don't want to take the time, there is no place even close for wrap band pricing....

on wraps...I have tried tons and tons of stuff and have settled on Master carries them and usually has a good supply especially the thin ones which I use but Master Wraps are owned by Terry, Tood, and Rico and you can get them at their site if you prefer (same price) but last time I went to order a bunch of Thin Yellow the Master Wrap website was out and had some ... TTR get paid either way so which ever one has what you want....

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 11:00:40 AM »
Anybody shoot a barehanded snake out there?

Offline Billings Semi-pro

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2007, 02:43:53 PM »
Yes, I know where to find wraps but are there any custom designs that I might be missing.  I have used TTR for some time now but was interested in unusual or custom design (besides floral). 

BBtuna, thanks for your break down. 

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 03:58:34 PM »
I have seen Terry Moore shoot a snake unwrapped at several regional tournaments which is ironic since he is one of the owners of TTR wraps...I have never seen anyone else shoot the snake like that regularly

Offline grandmaster

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2007, 04:10:43 PM »
OK. I wondered about that since I shoot one. Seems to work alright anyway.

Offline EDGEER

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2007, 06:29:51 PM »
Anybody shoot a barehanded snake out there?

I guess we all can,but it is not advised on new handles like at a tour stop or large regional. It will tear U up!  I can do it for a game or 2, and on house tables in bars, but who want's to touch the funk on those handles anyway.

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Where to buy wraps with cool designs? Who has the best price?
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2007, 12:42:57 PM »
Louis Cartwright shoots a Roller with no wrap at all......and it's devastating!!! :o