I think people dont realize how competitive it can be. And alot of those who do realize what you can accomplish dont have the skill set to want to play someone good. Its like anyone, and i mean anyone can THINK they are good at pool and knock the balls around and get dominated and they still had fun. However they look over and see a foos table and the initial thought or conatation is "thats that game where you try and hit the little ball and spin those things around real fast" I dont think the majority is thinkin " damn , push, pull,backpin,reverse ,snake.....YES! lets play foos" I have to admit months ago when i got my table i really didnt know what i was gettin myself into. then, luckily , i had friends with closet-foosball skills and it erupted from there. Also i had to learn alot about the game myself, on this forum, from very nice people. I just dont think the average person knows what they themselves , could do on a foos table. And they all know they can whack the cue ball around and maybe get lucky. One thing i have noticed is that there are NOT videos online that are tutorials made by good players, aimed at total beginners. Nobody is out there giving simple , basic step by step instructions on how to be a better player. Im constantly improving so maybe one day i could make one. I have had friends over that had never played or cared to play, and i gently coax them over to one of my tables and say "look- this is what i want you to try......" and 15 minutes later we are playing a game,that i could dominate, but they are shooting a push and a pull and just lovin it. And while we're playing im teachin them how to pass and catch. before you know it , we have another foos player for my ever so classic Foos n' Booze parties. If someone like yall who have seemingly infinate foos knowledge could make a video aimed at making an 8 year old better, alot of folks could learn alot.....IMHO