One of the important things to do as these guys said is get a good stance. I tried many different ones for many years till I actually found one I really like and works. I think too that how tall you are is in conjunction to your pull and stance. Why ? Well, when I stand on my toes I can pull it different then when I normally shoot.( I am only 5'7) You have different leverage on the ball. When I shoot it the way I normally do I tend to lean over the table slightly as to get better leverage. When I stand taller abit I do not need to. I know this might sound strange but try it and you will see as others did too, that it is fact. So, my suggestion is to keep switching until you find what works best.(im not saying shoot while on your toes though) Everyone is different shapes and sizes and just by doing something just alittle different in your stance or moving the toe of the man helps you hone in on what you need to stick with. This friend of mine shoots his pull with the ball way back with a strange stance and I always wondered why, but he shoots it well. I had to shoot it like these guys said to do, real slow and get your timing down then do it faster when you get used to it. I too tried different spots on the ball and on the table and now I can shoot one, even though it took me forever to get the feel of what a good pull should feel like. Also, your grip has to be comfortable not too hard, not too soft. It's up to you on which is better. I like too envision it like a whip and go fot it. It really doesn't have to be super fast, just accurate. Fast does help though but worry about that later. just my 2 cents!!! Good luck!!! as bbtuna said Practice!!!!