
30 years of no foos now I come to play what happened? roll over tick tac man

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Offline Steve

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i won the 1978 buffilo novice doubles /I won the fri. dyp in minn at the super doubles not sure the year we beat todd L the king of foos in the finals it was the good old days so I quit playing 30 years ago then I went to the dispatch bar in Lansing well I got beat on all night had to get the bengay out but felt reborn so never say die. I wiil be the best in mi. befor long lol

Offline EDGEER

  • 403
I have a story  similar to yours.  Won novice singles at the 1981 Tornado Nationals.  Laid off 15 years without touching a table.  I found foosball is not like riding a bike!  I had to relearn everything and forget some other things ::)  Glad to see you back.

Offline Steve

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Back to the drawing board .

ya just practice man.  I used to play at alot of weekly tournies in syracuse NY, with ex NY  state champs there, and they all said the same thing when they came back to it.

Practice is important, but what I have found to be more important is to chang the way you shoot shots to make it as easy as possible. For example: I shoot a pull for my primary shot.The way I gripped the handle was a full grip with my palm resting at about the 1 or 2 o'clock position. When I executed the shot, I used my wrist, arm, and shoulder. This gave me a lot of control and a lot of power. This was fine for DYP's, but the first big tournament I played in, Friday night DYP, Sat. Semi-Pro Singles and Doubles, and Open Singles and Doubles. By the end of the night Sat. I had nothing left. I had to resort to bank shots to win my last match. Then Sunday I was still without a shot. All that said to say this;

I now shoot my pull shot with a grip using my fingers, no palm. It has taken a lot of practice, but it has successfully alieviated the physical problem. My arm no longer hurts after playing all day. I'm 47 and played for 20 years, quit for 10 and have just been playing again for the last
1 1/2 years. The other thing you must do is up your mental game.

Hope these tips help you be successful.

Well I too am back to the game after 30 out!    I love it all the more and see it as a sport I could play well into my 90s.  I just love whipping up on the 20 something newbies.   I get back problems.  Will need to lose weight as the standing at 220 lbs with a little bend over is bad.  I also determined that hiking boots ad stability and balance.  I learned that playing the Wii game.   Am considering a glove and a wrap as game improving tools.  Also have been watching youtube for pointers.  I now stand back about an inche and a half more than I was due to a suggestion.   Foos On !

Offline snake eyes

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Hey Bob you considering me as one of those newbies? Ha Ha,,, You missed some good foos last thursday night. No tournament but had 2-3 teams playing straight for about 5 hours.