if you have only seen 2 people shooting a technical rollover stop playing in your basement and go to a real tournament or out on tour. LOL "a day or two to get the rollover decent". I run a local DYP and have played on tour on and off for the last few years (not to mention practicing for multiple hours every week) and having played against top ranked players, and my snake is nowhere near what they can do. Watch Billy P. or Tony S. walk the snake and shoot deadman starting on the far side of the big dot. Something tells me they did not learn that in a week.
"I shoot a pull shot.. I find it more difficult to shoot and or block. It takes time.. practice.. patients and just over all table time to have a great pull.."
Where is the :rolleyes: when you need it? Why would you want to shoot a shot that is more difficult to shoot? That is like saying I'm gonna shoot a two handed backhand in tennis because I'm a purist. Well good luck against anyone who is worth a crap.
Contrary to what you are saying, the snake may be easy to learn, but it is every bit as difficult to master as a pull.
Now I wasn't around at the time but I seem to recall that back in the TS days, the pull shot used to be worth 1/2 pt. because it was so dominant. Everyone whined and complained that it was unfair. So I guess that was like kicking someone in the balls too eh......
BTW over 365 degrees = a spin, when you start the ball in a front pin and contact the ball in less than 365 degrees that is a snake shot.