
Back Pin videos in video section of forum

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Offline pinalyzer

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Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« on: April 08, 2008, 01:19:40 PM »
I tried and succeeded in filming with my left while trying to give an impression of what my dribble no-telegraph style backpin looks like.  I will be putting up some other variations thorughout the day.

Offline Will17

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 01:28:23 PM »
Good video's, I would be interested to see the other back pin's. If anyone has a person that can play decent defense and film 5 minutes of 3 bar backpin shooting on a defense so I can see the best way to make it effective I could try to make it work.

Offline foosinaround69

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 01:41:22 PM »
Pinalyzer...Nice :). You use the wrist most of the time..huh? I like to walk(dribble) the ball like that too.. But I usually do the open-handed backpin...for me it depends on the d given, but if they leave me a split then I use a wrist brush, it's quite effective. As for the push side if I'm not doing the open hand I'll use the far man to get it past deadman and brush it in that way. That's when I start to incorporate the pullkick into the mix >:( Say, How do you put it on youtube after you've filmed it?? Then I could show you what I mean!!! :)

Offline Will17

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 02:44:52 PM »
do you already have it on your computer so you can watch it? once it is on your computer it is pretty easy to put it on youtube. Just go to and make an account, it is free and easy to it. Then click upload, it will ask you for a title and description of the video. fill those out and it asks you to find the location on your computer. just hit browse then find it, select it and it will just download it off your computer(or upload it from your computer). It will give you a link and you can copy and paste that to the forum.

Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 03:13:51 PM »

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 03:45:40 PM »
Hey 69,
I think that I might start incorporating the pull kick in.  It is just that with so many options and all matches seem to be 2/3. I have to really limit my shot selection.  Imagine that I would use all the options and the match would be over and I would still have a few left to do.
When I go to the far 3 man it is just a crowd pleaser for me, I find that I can get it in with just the middle man.  The grip is what makes it so unique is that I grip it so my arm seems in front of the rod and I just lift up and slam.  I am looking forward to going home and experimenting with the open hand options.  That is one of the things I like about the shot, except for the fact that I can shoot it 24/7 and my hand never gets tired, that there are so many options.  I have a whirly type of shot I used to see Johnny Vias(sp?) do that I like to throw in and the twirl over I am working in so I can do some shots after the twirl (Seen on the reverse push Back pin video before I go into shooting mode.
As far as putting on Youtube, I just sign up and go to upload videos.
I filmed mine on my digital camera's movie mode, most have those now adays.  And then transfered to my documents.  Then when it said where to upload from I just selected it from there.  You tube converts it to the style and as far as the other info they ask, just do your best.

Offline foosinaround69

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 11:53:38 AM »
Thanks Pinalyzer!!!! I will try and get some footage. I no longer have a table or a camera..So it might be a minute before I can do it but I'm going to work on it asap!!!    I'm gonna have to slow it down abit so people can see what actually happens in the shot process...The shot is so damn fast..Then on the next shot I use the shot that you use and smoothly put it in...This way they never know if I'm going to slam it or finesse it in!!!!The pullkick out of it is a great option let me tell you..Try it I think you'll see what I'm talking about...You can go super short, middle or long from it!!!! You can even do a deadman pushkick short with the wrist and it works beautifully. ;D I was surprised how easy it was to do and natural it I use it quite abit now!!! Hey try this shot..I think you'll love this since you shoot a backpin!!!!   Set the ball up as if you were going to shoot a move the ball to the backpin position..making sure it's in one soon as you get it in pin position do your dribble slightly...go back to pull position then back to pin and now smoothly brush it in the middle...I use this shot ALOT and I promise you It will work..You can even do a moving straight from it as well (to keep them home)Now your goal is even bigger to hit...Try it and let me know how you did.....Peace!!!!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 12:05:36 PM by foosinaround69 »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2008, 01:33:20 PM »
do that same thing and when the ball is pinned, shoot a push pin...this works a ton for me but if you did the sneaky shot you are talking about first, it would be even more open...or the other way around he, he, he

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 02:16:52 PM »
Hey BBtuna,
It came to me that since you say I don't know who you are, then how about a formal introduction,
I am John Davis
btw, you guys are giving me a heck of a lineup for the next tourney.  I am going to do each one in order and let you all know how it went,

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2008, 03:07:28 PM »
John, nice to meet you...I am Charles Dangler...I have tons more stuff if you want we can exchange ideas as BP shooters...we need all the support we can get if you know what I mean, and I know you do :P

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 03:38:46 PM »
so you know Kurt Timmel.  I played with him in a draw way back.  His chip passing series and energy on the table were fun to watch.

Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2008, 04:01:45 PM »
After watching the videos I have mad two assesments. First being that you tend to favor the side you are shooting at - now don't get mad at me it could just be the way it looks on youtube with that camera angle, but every time I'm able to read which side you are shooting at, with the exception being your reverse which looked wicked raceable.

 Secondly - I would most likely shut that back peen down.


« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 04:03:48 PM by Sniffler »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 04:41:49 PM »
Kurt was a very best friend...last Friday was a very special day in my life it was a day he and I marked on our calendars and called each other every year no matter what else we were doing and almost never missed after 20 years

4/4 marked the day we jumped in his car and packed all our belongings in Chicago suburbs and took off for was quite an half sister lived in Hollywood and she got us hooked up with a friend of her who lived in Huntington Beach and he lived a couple blocks from Highway 1 very near the big peer

our first day there we found a BYP at a big "arcade" right next door to Grauman's Chinese Theatre which had a $100 guaranteed first place on was Monday...we had sworn off foos for a while but this was too tempting and we needed the money...we won 11 weeks in a row and 12 out of 13 before Kurt left to help his mother move to AZ

I don’t know if you know Jevat Meha (best offensive goalie I have ever seen when he was on) but we were friends and he was my foos mentor in Chicago and after Kurt left, I shortly after found myself out on the street the same day Jevat cruised into town (LA) and he picked me up – Jevat was moving in with Jeep and he talked Jeep into allowing me to come with…I wasn’t there a long time before I got a job in Peoria IL (long story)…Greg was one of the teams that tried to beat Kurt and I for all those weeks…I remember Jeep saying he was going to win worlds one day and dang if he didn’t…very persistent

Kurt lived with me for a short time two different times while I was in KC

Kurt had the best "Uphill" (as we called the chip) of anyone I have ever seen...I didn't think about at the time, but Kurt was a total natural and played better under pressure than at any other time…he had a monster pull for quite a while too…I don’t know if you saw Kurt in his prime (which didn’t last very long) but you would know if you saw him start his pass from the 3rd man out on the 5 bar…this was when he was at his best

I miss Kurt terribly – KT Flame…my very good friend…I don’t know if you know, but Kurt died a couple of years ago…very sad for me, he was depressed after his mother’s passing and he couldn’t make sense of it - I didn’t know about it and he literally drank himself to death…I didn’t know until after a fairly long time of us not talking, I tracked his number down only to be told by his wife (married a short time) that he had died…she knew I was a best friend, Kurt and her had called before seeking counseling for drug stuff but she never called…I try not to be mad but it is hard

I am not really totally over it, I am very frustrated I couldn’t talk with him and try and help him…I think of him often especially this last Friday…probably the most tragic thing that has ever happened to me…I loved him like a brother and I miss him

I will post some old pictures…did you know Greg Whales too then since they were like two peas in a pod…Greg was Kurt’s regular goalie

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2008, 05:34:54 PM »
I knew (sorry to hear of his passing) Kurt when he live out here in Arizona.  He could coast with his skills on the table and was having a lot of fun.  But he could get intense as well.

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2008, 05:42:28 PM »
I was filming the shots with my left hand and watching both the view screen and the table.  My goal was to give everyone an idea of the shot, not what it looked like in best form.  It is truely my goal to not telegraph the shot, it is not meant to be shot without that part included.  At least not against anyone giving a decent defense on it.  I will keep that in mind the next time I shoot it, but yeah with filming it and everything I just wanted to dribble and hit the hole. To execute, that is hit the holes, is one part, to maintain the dribble at various speeds and areas in front of the hole is another part, to not telegraph is yet another part, to read the hole and time the hole is another part, (some might break this into two parts, I don't - Read and Time, and react).  It is a bunch of parts that I practice to do them all every shot. I do give some fakes, but that is usually in the shooting motion.
Blockable, sometimes, could you maybe, but it is a pretty darn good shot, can you really be everywhere at once, are you watching the ball?  Tough out as they would say in baseball, so to anyone that thinks they can block it I say bring it.
The Pinalyzer
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 05:44:51 PM by pinalyzer »