
Back Pin videos in video section of forum

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2008, 03:10:56 PM »
Charlie I just sent you an email to your yahoo acount.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2008, 03:14:40 PM »

this is getting old, there you go again, totally ignoring what has been said and changing what you said and then just fring off a bunch of dribble...I am all for spirited discussion but you need to remain sound and not continue going off in this direction and that direction...please respond to the following which was written already...

a simple Yes, or No will do...are these all Straights or not?  Pick YES or NO
First, if a person has a ball set up for a pull, and move the ball and then shoots in the one hole, what do they call that?  Okay, with me on this....aaaa Straight!  Pull, move the ball 1/2 inch and shoot the one hole and that is called??? aaaa Straight! Pull, move the ball an inch or inch and a half and cut the ball back to the one hole and what do you call that? ....yes, a Straaight

Unless you know nothing about foosball, you have to answer that all of these are Straights right?  Yes or No?

Now, why are these all called a "Straight", even though in ALL cases, the person moves the ball first?  hmmmmm?  the reason wait for is becasue they ALL go to the "straight hole" ... for a pull

now, the straight hole for a pin is wherever the ball is... if I move the ball or the man and then shoot the ball to that hole it wait for it...aaaaa STRAIGHT

again, I don't care if you call it a straight or a split, either way, you won't leave that hole if you want to block me

it isn't a question of if I can hit the ball literally straight, the question is, can you leave me a straight and block my shot by doing this

and last, we will try this again too....


you said to start this all off, "seriously though I would just leave the straight because it's impossible to hit from a back pin."

when you say straight here, I just assumed you meant the hole right in front of the ball, right?  So, if I can hit that hole, than I can go straight...

you don't know much about the shot or you wouldn't say silly things like this, that is our point...I told you, you leave me that hole, because I can't hit it, and play me defense and I bet $1000 a ball, you start covering that hole pretty quickly and if you start to do that, you can not say, "I would just leave the straight because it's impossible to hit from a back pin"

in the end, that is what we are trying to tell you....if you can't get it after all this, it will take a good trashing by a good backpin before you change your tune
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 03:24:25 PM by bbtuna »

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2008, 03:20:12 PM »

I got your email, thank you very much...feelings are are talking about my shot which is not an accepted shot by the foosball community and I think me and the other backpinners are probably a little defensive and it is like you are talking bad about our mothers

it is all good, a little heated dialog is good for both of us...I would love playing you and I am sure we would have spirited games and we would become good foos buds and in the end, I am certain you would change your thoughts about the backpin

I am very impressed with your willingness to email me and make sure we were okay

thanks again, if you can't see what I am talking about, we will just leave it here and agree to disagree and hope we get a chance to play some day

happy foosin and thanks for creating the passion

Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2008, 03:20:47 PM »
Pull, move the ball 1/2 inch and shoot the one hole and that is called??? aaaa Straight!

No it's not, that's called a tuckback. It's not a straight, why are you so dead set on calling your little moves straights? Once the ball moves your not shooting a straight. I will give you this - ok, call it a cutback to the straight whole. You did not shoot the ball straight. For definition purposes let's agree - a straight is when you literally hit the ball straight without moving.

By your definition every shot is a straight because the ball is going straight towards the goal. I mean your being ridiculous.  

Tuna breath- please see above. I answered with a resounding NO! They are not all straights. Get out of the time warp and get a real shot- good day sir. Disco is dead too.

Cool Tuna - I also forgot to add that I kid a lot. So I forget people might misunderstand me sometimes.

you are talking about my shot which is not an accepted shot by the foosball community and I think me and the other backpinners are probably a little defensive and it is like you are talking bad about our mothers

 I recognize what your saying- I like the shot myslef. I know it's a lot of work to get it where yours and others are at.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 03:23:31 PM by Sniffler »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2008, 03:54:39 PM »
oh, I get how you are, I suppose you are one of those limp wristed spin shooters...those are easy to block too because you can't hit a split with a rollover 8)

Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2008, 04:11:54 PM »
Now your getting me! ha-ha
good one!
But I can totally hit splits... ssssss

I shoot both the Pull and the snake. I used to shoot only Pullbut now that I don't play as much my primary is snake and back up is PUll.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 04:52:51 PM by Sniffler »

Offline foosinaround69

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2008, 10:59:58 PM »
I 100% guarentee I CAN shoot a straight without moving the ball sideways....Just ask the pro-master in which I shot the shot on...He asked me if I meant it (of course I did) and I did it about five or six times in the match!!!! >:( We ended up putting them out of the tourny...If you place the ball far enough up on the man with out losing it you can basically pinch or squirt it in straght....I promise you!!!!! ;D You can't tell from where the goalie is that I'm setting it up that way  8) I use it alot cause most people aren't expecting it. :P    As I said before I want to get it on video and you guys will see a backpin like you've never seen before 8)   I've been playing for over 20+ yrs and I can do every shot you can think of... even the front pin with a crazy walk (used to be my primary shot) But I do the backpin the best....(a pull a close second) Both Pappas and  Spredeman suggested not to change that's a compliment to us bpinners....But as for the straight.....It is possible......I know people don't WANT TO BELIEVE but when someone lets me know how to get it on the computer, you can best bet I will post it!!!!!   


Offline Will17

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2008, 12:44:15 AM »
what format is it in right now? tape or minidvd or on a hard-drive? What type of camera is it on? that info would help a lot to tell you how to get it onto a computer.

Offline pinalyzer

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2008, 12:07:17 PM »
So.... Last night I played around with what Anacondabackpin is talking about.  Setting it up in the backpin so you can press it out to the staight.  While this is not my usual cup of tea, stopping the ball, I do a series where I do stop it, and will try it in this weeks dyp. 
One of the problems with the Backpin I have found and I wonder if I am the only one is that I go to a tourney to work on another shot, say a pull.  I practice a pull at home and it is fun to then see how it is working at a tourney.  However, everyone is like "lets see the backpin".  It is such a crowd pleaser and after all the DYPs are usually just for fun, in the brings I play goalie, I end up shooting the backpin.  It is cool hearing the oohs and aaws, but the peer presure to shoot it, sometimes makes it harder to work on other shots.  Are the crowds at your tourneys persistant in egging you on to shoot it so they can see the shot for themselves.  It is not my opponents, but the crowd that seems to do this.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Back Pin videos in video section of forum
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2008, 12:27:37 PM »
i have played a lot of bar foos over the last few years and i get spectators there from time to time but it is more my overall game - they like my pin because when it is on, I can, and often do hit the ball hard but if a sharp hard rollover steps up, it gets all the same praise

everyone around here is seen enough of my pin that it isn't a novelty - except with the no foosin bar folk of course but for those people, everything is new and wonderous when they see someone playing at a level they never knew existed