Steve, I can't take credit for the circle defense, I think that was Bbtuna or F69. But still, nice job on using and abusing, that is using good info and abusing your opponents. When I played this weekend I finally got calm enough to try the snake a little which is a shot I never used on anyone but have taken the time to learn. I set it up two ways, either I do a smooth monotonous rock and then just extend one of the rocks to a shot without anything to suggest that its happening, and that is what I did on one of those kids and it worked great, or I do just the opposite and do a sporadic fast jerky rock which I think will open the middle but I really power the shots long if it doesn't. I was resentful of this shot when I came back to the game as it seemed to change the skills needed to be successful. But I never saw a shot I didn't then learn and the old axiom,"If you can't beat'em, join'em" applies.