
I'm finally going to a tournament

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I'm finally going to a tournament
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:51:58 PM »
20 some years ago since  I went to a tournament. This weekend I am!  Brothers be with me, as I have stated on my  posts I am a time capsule. I haven't played a tournament since 1980. I haven't played anyone but my wife and a dumb a-- drunk in 20 years. I bought a table, what 3-4 months ago? I've been really into working on the game since then. I know my game isn't what the norm is but some how I think I'll give problems to anybody out there if I'm on my game.  So Charles, buddy, I hope to give you some smiles as an old geezer expresses himself as well as a few of you others like Grandmaster and "69". Life is good!

Offline bbtuna

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Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 09:48:57 PM »
good luck, the old people at least are with you

where you playing?

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 07:29:17 AM »
Old people? I guess I did call myself a geezer. Well I feel like a geezer at 54 (I look 30 though lol) I'm playing in Portland Or. I just haven't found anyone to play locally so I'll make the trip 60 miles north. And I have to stop posting after having some brews, my math has gone to pot. I'll let you know how it goes if I'm not too badly embarrassed.

Offline foosinaround69

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Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 10:57:41 AM »
Go get em OM....Keep the faith!!!! "May the force be with you" lol...Just stay with what you know and have fun above all!!!! Let us know how it went..

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 12:37:45 AM »
So how did you make out?

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 01:04:45 AM »
Well, they didn't have enough players show for a tournament but that was ok. I got to play everyone there and you know? I didn't do too bad. Nerves got me off to a shakey start so I went to goalie. Finally I went up against some good snake shooters, a first for me. I think watching all the Youtube matches helped as I didn't let much get by and they were commenting on it. Then I started getting comfortable so I went up front and showed what I could do, at least part of what I could do. I wasn't really satisfied with my offense but I made a few shots that got their attention. The last match I played  a singles game against a kid that took 3rd up in some big tourney in Seattle. He was pretty good I guess but wasn't enjoying his snake not working on me. What got me is he had a cheering section. Here I am, not playing for 20 years and I get some local pro with a cheering section! Oh well, I had a lot of fun. I cranked up a 70's rock station on the trip up and was 21 again, going to play some foos! When I can finally adhere to Bbtuna's advice by finding that coin-op and then getting my comfort zone going, I'll be ready for that road trip. Thanks for asking Iceman.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 01:28:19 AM by Old Meister »

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 02:01:40 AM »
Old Meister...Im curious said you are playing in Portland, Ore...and havent found anyone to play? :o....go to the Home Turf Tavern..or Little Italy's ...they have DYPs every week ....They have several good players there...Jack Lenty...who has won several Open Singles tourneys about 10+ years ago ...and some fast rising stars like Brian Williams...probably shoots the hardest roller in the country...anyway thought I would pass that along to you ..glad you had fun ...

Plus Seattle has alot of good players there too...I think they have atleast 3 or 4 dyps a week ....check out the NW foosball site for details.....Good Luck

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 09:55:46 AM »
Home Turf is where I went.  I live 60 miles south of Portland so I don't go up there that often. Jack Lenty  and Brian Williams, I'll try to remember them. My overall feeling is the crowd I played in the '80's at the "Keg-n-I" on 82ndSt would have had a field day with the crowd I played last night and that may have been due to the number that showed up. There was some talent there to be sure but I came away from it feeling pretty positive knowing that it was just table feel that kept me from going crazy on those kids. I'll have to check out Little Italy too. So where are you from Smyler?

Offline Steve

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Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 12:58:45 PM »
Hey you old guys I took a first .DYP at the Dispatch in Lansing mi last night there is still hope (no melt down)

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2008, 01:05:12 PM »
GEEEZ, is that the best you can do? lol.

Good job.


Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2008, 01:29:12 PM »
Nice Steve! Details,,,

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2008, 03:03:58 PM »
I looked on the site and saw that they had 8 teams at their last Dyp on 4-10...Brian Williams won that cant compare the crowd of the Keg, or The Shire Inn, or the Wooden Chicken, or the late late 70's or early 80's...there were too many great players that played there on a weekly They are just getting the interest going again but have a good group playing, but there are some very good players that do play there. Did you play alot of dyps at the Keg, or the Shire Inn on Belmont....maybe I saw you there ..I lived in Beaverton for awhile and played all the dyps in the late 70's....what isyour name?...

Rick Martin

Offline Steve

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Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2008, 08:45:08 PM »
Well I had to shoot a pull shot I mannaged to pick apart
everyone even some dead bars it felt good my partner was Steve L from Kazoo he hammerd from the back and front . I even managed to block some roll overs I took your advice on the circle defence .

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2008, 10:05:34 PM »
Rick, I was talking to a girl last night that said she partnered with you. I played up at the Keg a number of times, my name is Arlie. I was out of Salem. Back then there was a guy, Lenny, that really impressed me and Randy Muthe(sp?) gave me fits one night with a squeeze  squirt  angle shot that curved. I hope I played you, it seems your name is always mentioned along with Dan Kaiser as THE Portland pros. I saw Dan one night at the Keg but didn't get to play him. I'll get back up there and play some of those kids again as I had a blast. The truth was I was so keyed up to play real players after a 20 some year layoff that I overplayed everything thus touch was a problem. I'll be back, it would be great to play you if you're there.

Re: I'm finally going to a tournament
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2008, 10:24:28 PM »
Steve, I can't take credit for the circle defense, I think that was Bbtuna or F69. But still, nice job on using and abusing, that is using good info and abusing your opponents. When I played this weekend I finally got calm enough to try the snake a little which is a shot I never used on anyone but have taken the time to learn. I set it up two ways, either I do a smooth monotonous rock and then just extend one of the rocks to a shot without anything to suggest that its happening, and that is what I did on one of those kids and it worked great, or I do just the opposite and do a sporadic fast jerky rock which I think will open the middle but I really power the shots long if it doesn't. I was resentful of this shot when I came back to the game as it seemed to change the skills needed to be successful. But I never saw a shot I didn't then learn and the old axiom,"If you can't beat'em, join'em" applies.