
interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF

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interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« on: April 13, 2008, 07:52:31 PM »
Farid Lunas, President of the International Table Soccer Federation & Larry Davis, President of the United States Table Soccer Federation, sit down with This Week In Foosball and discuss the goals and current issues concerning the ITSF & the USTSF in the United States and Abroad.

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 07:57:20 PM by This Week In Foosball »

Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 12:32:35 AM »
Good job Carlos.

You asked some questions that a lot of people in doubt about what's going on needed and should hear. Kinda hard to say Farid is some kind of Napoleonic kind of dictator trying to take over our sport for some kind of Euro benefit after seeing that is just plain nuts. Those that still want to just don't want to be part of the solution our game needs right now. It's no doubt his passion is with the progression of the sport in general.

Glad to see you put it on the other site. It's a shame it will soon be shuffled away into the ITSF Forum where most will not see it. Instead of hearing all of this info second hand, they can hear it directly from Larry and Farid on the direction they and others are trying to steer this sport.

Video 4 says it all. If the naysayers still don't get it......they just don't want to.

Again, thanks for putting that out there for those that do want to know.


Offline bbtuna

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Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 02:22:43 PM »
i am surprised there haven't been more comments about this...Ice, I am not certain I understand what became so clear in the 4th video

i have been generally in favor of what the ITSF has been doing (with one exception I brought up in the beginning and I will comment on in the next thread)  with that said, I did not walk away with a positive view of Farid

some of the issue may be a language thing since English isn't his first language but he came off as very arrogant and controlling

i think he has some good vision skill since he has managed to build an impressive organizational structure in a relatively short period of time but he didn't show any motivational skill...he must have this ability at least in one on one or small groups but not in this setting

I didn't like his criticism of USTSF where he is clearly critical of their "control" over all of foosball in the US
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 07:21:47 PM by bbtuna »

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« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 03:01:35 PM »
when all this first came up and the rules were being changed my issue then is the same as it is now...I think the US should have its own League or Federation or whatever you want to call the NBA, the NFL, MLB, or the NHL...I think we should have kept our own rules (and if they needed to be modified then modify them) and created/kept our own American foosball structure

these other sports, and many others could be named as examples, have the American version and then there are International versions of each with slightly different rules

this isn't, nor was it then, an argument about how good or bad any specific rule change is/was...this is about control of American foosball

I agree if we are going to compete in International events then we should adhere to international rules but in the US, we should play the game the way we evolved it

also, since giving up control of the rules to a body far away and internationally focused, we can not make changes we feel are good for foosball in the beginning there was a lot of talk about Tom being Head Official and openness to change but I said then and will repeat now, that control will slowly erode (and it has already) until we have very little say in changes...eventually, assuming the ITSF continues to grow, the difficulty in changing a rule will become greater and was already hard here but think about the levels of complexity by adding 56 countries and 7 or more tables

I am all for creating a body that works with the ITSF for international stuff but I am not okay with giving up American foosball to an international body

I want American foosball to have its own unique identify and be a sovereign body determining its own destiny

I was unhappy about all this when a table manufacture controlled American foosball when and thought then, and still do now, that an independent organization, should grow and become the governing force of foosball in the US…like the NFL which is an organization apart from a manufacture

Mary Moore (Independent Foosball Promotions) was moving toward this but then got sucked into the International thing because of a few perks for a few players and because her table supplier was going in that direction

As much as I like and want the changes being suggested (conceptually) for the Tornado table, I am reminded that these changes are not taking place because the table manufacture is suddenly listening to the players…this is happening for the same reason Tornado sold American foosball to International control in the blink of an eye

MONEY…Tornado wanted their table recognized, they want to sell in Europe and around the world…that is why Tornado sold the American game and player to the international game and this is why these changes are being made…Tornado wants a different market than what they are limited to in the US even though they will do nothing to promote the US foosball market

When will we, American Foosball, rise up and take control of our own game?  God bless the ITSF, I want them to do well but I want the US to have their own organization apart from the international connection and then create a committee that will work with the ITSF

I don’t know if this is possible any more, it may never have been because we don’t seem to have the visionary leader who will step up and sacrifice and organize and rally foosball here in the US…the video tells me we are further away from this happening than at any other time….
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 07:22:32 PM by bbtuna »

Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2008, 03:52:58 PM »
When will we, American Foosball, rise up and take control of our own game?

This is to the collective "WE":

Don't blame the ITSF... nature abhors a vacuum. In the absence of an effective domestic organization, what remains will fill in the void.

People need to stop flapping their virtual gums, they need to stop waiting for someone else to do things or to babysit America's foosball player; they need to take control of their sport.

You don't like what's happening? GET INVOLVED!!!! You want a say in what happens with foosball in the US? Step up and be a state USTSF rep or volunteer for a committee...  JUST DO SOMETHING!! If you think the USTSF is falling too quickly in line with ITSF doctrine, TELL THEM THAT!! If you see something you think they should be doing? SPEAK UP!! Is there something you think they're doing right? GET BEHIND IT!!

The bottom line is that the responsibility for American foosball lies with the AMERICAN PLAYER. If you fall into that category but choose not to take action, whether that action is large or small, then you need to accept whatever may come.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 03:56:18 PM by TSR_Brad »

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Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 04:52:08 PM »

I am not blaming the ITSF for the demise of American foosball and I am doing what I can do, big or small, I tried to make my voice heard before this was even talked about, during the transition, and now afterward

i am not the person to lead us but I can be a voice crying for one who will

Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 04:54:50 PM »
To repeat... This is to the collective "WE".

I want to make sure that everyone gets the message.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 05:00:19 PM by TSR_Brad »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 05:41:05 PM »

sorry, I missed you piont on the collective "We"...thanks for the clarification - i hear you...we should all give our time and/or money to USTSF or IFP and build one or both because as far as I can see, those are the only options right now...

with that said, I am still disappointed and was not motivated by the video and still don't know what Ice meant about what was clear in the 4th video

Offline bbtuna

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Re: interview with Farid Lunas & Larry Davis on the ITSF & USTSF
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2008, 07:32:19 PM »
by the way, I wrote a letter a week ago to Dave Corrington detailing my concerns and recommendation around the modification of the man and then I copied Larry Davis on the email so he would know my thoughts as well and so he would be in the loop

I heard back from Larry even though he was traveling internationally and he said he would get back with me in more detail hopefully this week

I have not yet heard back from Dave

so, not a lot, but more than virtual gums