
Bonzini VA State

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Bonzini VA State
« on: April 26, 2008, 10:35:55 PM »
So who all is going to the Bonzini VA State?  What's the deal with the tournament?  Is everyone staying in that Howard Johnson?  Is there smoking in the tournament bar?  Are there women's and/or mixed events?  Would a player (such as myself) who has never played Bonzini be rated Novice or something different? 

I have wanted to go to a Bonzini tournament for so long, but I always use up all of my vacation time going to Tornado tournaments.  Now I am freaking out about having to play on other tables, and I am thinking screw work...I want to go to Virginia!

I know that the Bonzini team is thinking France now, but any information would be greatly appreciated. 


« Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 10:44:30 PM by melissa »

Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2008, 12:24:05 AM »
Also, if someone wanted to go a day early or so to see the Shenandoah National Park and Blue Ridge Parkway...does anyone have any advice on that?  Would it work to stay in the tournament hotel and drive to the park?  Is it safe to take some of the trails alone? 



Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2008, 12:47:41 AM »
So Tornado's no longer a challenge for you?  ;)

Good luck if you decide to go.

Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2008, 09:54:21 AM »
The Staunton tournament is my favorite of the Bonzini events.  It's a beautiful little town in the mountains.  Some people stay at the Howard Johnson's but it's not the nicest place; though it is walkable from the tournament.  Seems that last year the host hotel was a Hampton Inn (?).   No smoking in the tournament room but people do smoke in the bar/restaurant.  The tournament room is small and most spend their time on the patio with food and drink between matches - someone will find you when you've been called for a match.

The food at the farmer's market Saturday morning is well worth the trip!!!!

No idea about the rankings or the trails at the park... sorry.


Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2008, 11:29:07 AM »
What's up MK? Great job in ATL.

If Melissa makes it to the tourney, you guys better take good care of her or there will be hell to pay.

For those of you not in the know, She and her partner Lisa Pride have achieved "Foosdiva" status. They have earned the right to be the UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES  at the multitable world championships overseas. What an honor. I have been afforded this opportunity twice, once is Paris and once in Austria, but only by default of being available to play. She and Lisa have EARNED their way to an invitation only tourney of the best players from around the world. How cool is that?

You guys better are among royalty.

If she shows up, you need to address her in this manner.

Hello foosdiva queen Melissa, how may I be of service to you.



Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2008, 12:11:43 PM »
All hail the queen!

Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2008, 12:27:00 PM »
Hahahaha oh I can't show my face anywhere! 

I wish my work had that much respect for my foosball...they are trying to tell me that someone else is already off that weekend.  Same reason they gave me why I couldn't go to Texas State.  Maybe I should print out Ice's post and show them...hahaha!

I am going to see what I can finagle because I really want to go check out Bonzini...and the mountains!

Thanks for the answers!


Offline alaris

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Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2008, 06:45:15 PM »

I love to go to Staunton, Virginia it is a beautiful town. I will not be able to make it this year due to lack of funds, time off from work, and no Womens events.       

You will have a great time!  I am sure you will know some of the foos'rs and everyone will make you feel right at home.

Try to make it to the next one in NC, we need more women players!

Good luck!!


Offline alaris

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Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2008, 07:01:25 PM »
Melissa.......... You still have time to make it to France!!

Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2008, 02:48:22 AM »
Hi Rebecca...

Really, they wouldn't have women's event if there were women who wanted to play?  If I go, I am bringing Mary Moore with me so that is 2 of us!  Come out and play! 

I still have to deal with my work...they are telling me I can't go, but that has never stopped me before.  I tend to tour more when work tells me no.  I hate to be told just inspires me.

I would go to Paris in a heartbeat if the tickets weren't over a $1,000.  That is just a tad out of my price range.

Thanks for the information!


Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2008, 04:11:52 AM »
To all the ladies,

If there is enough interest, I can always throw in a Ladies Doubles and Singles on Saturday.

We just need enough interest.

I'll check to see if the AQBB ladies are coming, if so we'll have some Women's events.

The list of potentials:

Melissa Kegg
Mary Moore
Doris Little
Lucy Caughorn
Wendy Witherow
Lisa Tolley
Veronique Chouinard (AQBB)
Julie Matthews (AQBB)

Not a bad list of potential Ladies.


I'm going to make a VA State announcement in a few days. The poster can be downloaded from
The VA State venue is absoluetly one of the best stops we have. The tournament room is small (only 7 tables) but manageable.
The food, service and atmosphere is extremely fun and relaxing. The Shenandoah Valley Foosball Association is a great group to work with and together we have made an impact with the local HOSPICE and their needs. More ot come.


Offline Steve

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Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2008, 08:52:18 PM »
Just spent a week in VA very nice I think there still mad about looseing to us Yanks . 

Offline alaris

  • 169
Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2008, 02:03:36 AM »

I just got back home! WOW what fun!! We will talk more about France later, It was fantastic!

I will work on going to Virginia,  I must meet Melissa and Mary!



Re: Bonzini VA State
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2008, 02:34:08 AM »

Glad you made it home safely!

I definately want ot hear first hand from you about the experience.
And thanks for the great effort.
Expect to make a few statements about the trip at the VA States if you can make it.

I hated missing the trip this year but I got some really important business issues squared away.

The 2008 VA State is looking to be pretty big.
We'll start rolling on the advertising early next week.

I'll give you a call later this week.
Congrats and thanks again for representing the U.S. and Bonzini U.S.A.
