
A new old" foosballer"

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A new old" foosballer"
« on: May 19, 2008, 10:37:31 PM »
hello everyone...Rick here,
new to the site, but not to the game ;D
My quick story,
 played foosball back in the late 70's, :o played in some tournments, mostly local. :) Bought this table around 78-79, refurbished it, played a few more years then had to do the family thing and put it into storage ..until now.  :)
Met some friends that had played the game in the 80's, one thing led to another and pulled it out of storage, boy I missed Foosball 8), did a search and found your website. WOW, the game has changed.
I even bought the book "The Complete History of Foosball" by Johnny Lott, way back. Its in storage to, I just have not found it yet :(
What do you think of the table ?

Offline bbtuna

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 01:12:08 AM »
welcome back, that is the table I started on (well I think because it looks like a TS green top - if not it looks like a clone)...I hope to own one again some day...I have a 25 year old Brown Top at my sons house now

at home I of course have a Tornado-only 3 years old

enjoy the trip back

where are you playing at?

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 07:40:30 AM »
I live in Western N.C., Asheville to be exact.
I do not believe its a clone, but how can I tell for sure. I still have all the original equipment I took off of it when I refurbished it.
It says "Million Dollar" TS on the field if that helps, it also has the quarter slot on the side.

On a side note, I know its sounds like a dumb question, but to start back in tournaments you would be playing with the 3 goalie set up correct ?

Offline Steve

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 09:25:07 AM »
Well now that depends tornado has 3 but Warrior the new table that is takeing over has 1check out some topics on warrior I also dusted off my brown top and got that old feeling to compeet.(a little to much) good luck

Offline bbtuna

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 10:20:41 AM »
well, if it says Million Dollar Tour it should be an original TS since that was their slogan I just didn't know they used that phrase on the green top which is the oldest of the went Green, Blue, Brown

Tournaments for the last 25 years have all been on Tornado (except a relatively recent few on Bonzini but that is a speciality table and for now very regional - long history in Europe good start in southeast in the US)

Tornado is the 3 man goalie - the person/orgnaization running all but a few tournaments is Mary Moore/IFP (Independent Foosball Promotions) - she has run over a quarter million dollars worth of tournaments that past 2 years and is THE promoter in foosball...she has used Tornado for over 20 years but has run into ongoing issues getting tables and support from them...she recently annouced that starting at end of July, and Kentucky State, she will be moving to a new table

the new table is called Warrior...the owner/developer is a long time fooser who has become a very sucessful business man with Warrior Golf sales mainly - he sort of made a shot at this early 2000's which didn't work but he learned a bunch of things and has totally redesigned his table...there are no production tables in existence right now so there are many questions surrounding how well this is going to work

however, if he can pull off a production table as good as his prototype, which a bunch of well known players have played on, and he executes on all his marketing and foosball building goals, this will be a very big very good change for foosball (competitive and otherwise)

this table will have the one man goalie

Tornado just sent an open letter to the tournament foosball community yesterday (you can see on this site) and is obvioius planning on fighting back - see, it is already good for foosball

Tornado still runs the only two recognized "tour" tournaments including Tornado Worlds considered by most to be the most important/best tournament in the world (not including the first World Cup from last year - different story different time -check out the ITSF (International Table Soccer Federation) website  the rules you see hear are for now the rules used at all IFP and "tour" tournaments)

lots happening, very exciting time, good time to jump back in and bring a few people with you  :D

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 11:11:10 AM »
Looked at some video of the Warrior table, I like what I see, 8) I could prolly play on this one easier than the Tornado (because of 1 vs 3 back goalie). But in its defence, I have not seen a Tornado, (except on video) And that would be interesting to try. ;)
I will try to get some better pics of my table tonight and post them up
We are gunna have a little cook-out with a mini tournment ( just friends) ;D in 2 weeks at the house, should be fun. May take some pics of this if I have time ;)
Checked the balls that I have for the table, I think they will need to be replaced, any recommendations on what type of ball to buy for this particular table. :-\
thanks :)

Offline bbtuna

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 12:13:55 PM »
it takes some getting used to (the 3 vs 1) but it ain't notin really...difference to be sure but overall it is a small part of the game but if you are used to one or the other, it jumps out at you like a big thing when it ain't no big thang

TS green top ball?

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 01:44:09 PM »
Charles, that is the original Quarter-Million dollar TS table, I blew up the image quite a bit and could make out the beginning of the word "Quarter". 

Offline bbtuna

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2008, 02:20:38 PM »
Wildcard, thanks, that makes sure looks like the table I started on and was taught on by Jevat Meha my mentor...I did most of my serious practice on a blue top in my garage but started and toutered with Jevat on the green top which he eventually gave me...again, I hope to own one again some day but that is just for nosalga not actual serious play, I have definately moved on from TS

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2008, 09:11:25 PM »
I know what you mean--my favorite TS was the Brownie. My next-door neighbor has a refurbished one that I am jonesin for, but he wants $300 for it, which I think is too much just for the stroll down nostalgia lane. However, I'm waiting until he gets desperate enough to have it out of his basement to take $100 for it, then I'll oblige him, lol.

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2008, 07:04:53 AM »
Thats what I paid for this one 30 years ago......$100 :o

Offline wildcard

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2008, 07:10:23 PM »
Thats what I paid for this one 30 years ago......$100 :o

so that works out to less than a penny per day, a real bargain in anybody's book! ;)

Offline Steve

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2008, 07:43:04 PM »
I have a brown top I play on every day the ball rolls where ever it wants pd $40.00 on ebay.

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2008, 01:07:25 AM »
The handles are smaller than the other ts tables. It looks exactly like the Vulcan table I Played on in the mid eighties...I want to say they were smaller though!! Nice table !!! Wish they never had those white balls

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2008, 07:17:31 PM »
Well.......I had a little cook-out with some friends at my house Saturday and this was what some of us did  :o 8)
The table played pretty good, considering its 30 yrs old  ;)  We had alot of fun and we defininetly will be doing this more often.
Its great to be back.....sure did miss it :)