
A new old" foosballer"

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2008, 11:21:00 PM »
I can't tonight, Got a car show to do at Gene Lummis tommorrow, then the Fathers day thing. But hopefully soon. :)
 buy the way here are my cars. A 97 Mustang Cobra, supercharged, 480 HP and a 93 mustang Coupe
I'm In a mustang club called Blue Ridge Mustang Club of Asheville, 160 members strong 8)

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2008, 12:33:41 PM »
Nice cars, Stangbum.  We had 10 teams last night.  Pretty good turn out.  Beginners to experts in rank.  Ages 15 to 50+ (I turn 52 in August, a '70's hold out).  Take care,


Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2008, 06:45:22 PM »
Thanks MJones, How do you rank the players?  I talked with the friends I play with today and they were interested in the idea.  8)
But next weekend we plan on going up to Dublin, Ohio for a MCA National Car show, so not sure about next weekend. :( The following weekend is when I think we are going to Northside Grill and Bar with our friends (never been there). :)
Have not been to something like this in a long time. :o  My wife and myself retired from the bars "years" a go. But when my wife saw we were going her first question was....Is there a dance floor? :o   Lucky for me there isn't ;D  But we will try it out, thanks again for the invite :)

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2008, 03:11:31 PM »
Hey Stangbum,

Sorry I'm slow getting back to you.  At Norton's, it's sort of a bar/restaurant Sport's bar kind of place.   The foosball tables are in an area all by themselves with seating for eating nearby.  It's not terribly smoky, and it's clean with good food.

The competition is very good, but the skill level is beginners to experts.   No pros or promasters in the weekly draws, but we do get a few in the bigger tournaments.

The cool thing is, you've got 15 year olds, like my son, to players like me, a 70's hold out that turns 52 in August.  It's a dedicated bunch of foosers.  It's a well run draw your partner format, and as long as you have any basic skills at all, you're going to have a ball.  You may draw the best player there and win, or you may draw me and go two and out!

The more players we get, the more fun it is.  $10 entry, dinner for under $10, a few quarters, and it's more fun than "Cats"!

C'mon out.  My son and I are coming this Friday.  We usually make it each week.  Check out the website: .  It's got all the info on players, Norton's, etc.

See ya foosin',

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 03:16:44 PM by MJones »

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2008, 05:05:05 PM »
well I am heading out tonight to play on a Tornado table for the first time.  If its not to crowded I might try to take a few pics.. :)
We are going to Northside Grill & bar. Maybe post something up tommorrow.
see ya !!!! ;D


Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2008, 09:51:48 AM »
banned, sorry
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 07:20:37 AM by Artiee »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2008, 11:27:05 AM »
obviously not A new old "foosballer"

Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2008, 11:41:45 AM »
Finally got to play on the tornado table, 8) so here is my thoughts:
The table plays very fast, ball bounces around like a superball :o (remember those ?) ok back on track.
With me growing up on 1 man goalie, it took a while getting use to the 3 man goalie. ( put a few shots in my own goal with those extra goalie men.) ::)  Finally became aware of them and did not use them much, just kept them out of the way. Basicaslly just used them to get ball out of the corners. :-\(Hopefully will learn to utilizes them eventually)
The ball, was hard to get used to it being a dark color, was always using white, just could see it better out of the corner of my eye. Very bouncie, so started shooting a lot bank shot(worked quit well.) ;D
The men, seemed like the foot was a little larger, (could be just my imagination) they hit solid, especially with the bouncie ball.  :)
The table, very solid, seem like it was heavier than mine. The goalie hole, again seemed wider than my old TS table, but could be my imagination again. :-\ Seemed like the ball rocketed of the table a good bit. (some hard hitting and blocking) :)
Overall, I had a great time with this table once I figured it out, won the last 4or 5 games I played and held my own most of the night, (won more games than I lost.) 8)
Did not dominate on this table but towards the latter part of the night felt comfotable and began consistantly beating my friends that we where with (they had told me that I would not play like I did on my table) and they would kick butt. :D
So....I will practice some more on it and see what happens. 8)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 11:52:58 AM by stangbum »

Offline foozkillah

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Re: A new old" foosballer"
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2008, 01:00:31 AM »
Good Grief, that brings back my college days.. in Ames Iowa!

I remember those absolutely freezing nights in winter, and still the need to go to the student Memorial Union for some chess and then hard push-shooting on DeutschMeisters with the foreign students.  Then even more seriously on Fri & Sat nites at the Copper Dollar downtown, which started with four Quarter Million tables and was a favorite place for challenge games (50cents). I can still taste all that Miller High-Life & Pabst Blue Ribbon we drank and hear the loud loud loud hard rock, because were were right by the jukebox!  That was 78, then we heard of tournaments with the TS bluetops, which the Copper Dollar replaced the greentops with, before we finally saw our first milliondollar TS's in late 81. 

I'll never forget those Million Dollar TS Coke-bottle handles and those washers that bar owners always put on wrong and started wandering all over the rods with that click-shick-shick!  But the one thing with Quarter Million TS greentops was, as they got older, the wooden(?) backstop often got chewed up and would return hard pulls, backpins and pullkicks back onto the table!  We always loved that side!