
some terminology questions...from a rookie

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some terminology questions...from a rookie
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:31:12 PM »

I found this site yesterday while searching for some foosball tactics online.  The content is great!  We have a table at my office that everyone competes on, basically just for bragging rights. 

I had a couple of questions about some terminology of the shot descriptions in the foosball university, and a technique question.

1)  Am I correct in assuming the difference between a kick and a shot (in the 'university' descriptions) is that with a shot, you initiate and shoot with the same man on the 3 bar, and with a kick, you intiate with one man then shoot with another (ie it's a pass and kick, or like a one-timer in hockey)?

2)  Is the difference between a pull and a push shot just the direction you push the rod (towards or away from you)?

Sorry if these are terribly obvious.

Also, a technique question:

3)  In the basic level shooting section ( the author says that a push shot is not as good as a pull shot (and that most people switch away from them pretty quickly).  Why is this?

Thanks for anyone that can help,


Offline bbtuna

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Re: some terminology questions...from a rookie
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 06:36:15 PM »

welcome to the board...good to see your interest in foosball

1. Kick shot...that University sight is not THE statement on foosball nor the standard on foosball terminology...really there are few absolute standards and allmost all of this is passed down verbally (or in posts like this) there is collection of terms used pretty regularly among trounament players and those I guess are the standards
on this in particular...I think the definition you provide is a good one...a "kick" is definately one man to another

2. difference in push and pull...answer is, same man push shot, "pushed" from close man out to center man (or the 31 to 32) it is a push"kick" pushkick...other side pulling toward  you, using one man, pull shot, far man (33) to center man (32) it is a pullkick

THE PUSH SHOT...or what should I shoot
here is a pretty good discussion on the topic...see my special comments top of page 2...pretty good if I do say so myself...well, and I did didn't I

Re: some terminology questions...from a rookie
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 10:44:47 PM »
Thanks for the welcome and the great answers!  After reading those threads I can understand the disadvantages of a push (and yes, good comments on page 2  ;)). 

This site/forum are really cool, I am having fun learning about the game. 

Another quick question, the table at my office has only four guys in the middle, makes for quite a wide-open game.  From what I have read, this seems to be pretty rare?

Thanks again!


Offline bbtuna

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Re: some terminology questions...from a rookie
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2008, 04:39:36 PM »
very rare, no offense but it must be a very inexpensive table...

see if you can't get someone to agree on getting something else

if that happens, let us know the budget and we can help with what to get and depending, maybe tell you where and who

Re: some terminology questions...from a rookie
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 02:00:49 PM »
very rare, no offense but it must be a very inexpensive table...

see if you can't get someone to agree on getting something else

if that happens, let us know the budget and we can help with what to get and depending, maybe tell you where and who

I checked, it's a Halex, and way cheaper looking than other Halex models I found online.  The guy who owns it left the company and didn't even bother to bring it with him.  If we ever have to replace it I will definitely check here for advice!

I have access to a wider, slower table that has more control (and a 5 man line), I should try practicing up on that one.