
Different Pull Shots Practice

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Offline Will17

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Different Pull Shots Practice
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:05:05 AM »
I have been practicing my pull a fair amount lately, just wondering what shots I should key in on in practice. Right now my practice consists of:
1. Short(strait)
2. 2 hole (I put the 2 bar man covering strait and the 3g man covering a ball and a quarter over from that)
3. Long ( cant really go deadman yet but i put the 2 bar man leaving about a ball and a half of room to the far post)
4. 7 stroke (I can't do this deadman unless i start my pull from the middle dot. I can also 7 stroke from the correct starting spot if my release is at the middle dot)
5. spray through a gap(i just put the 2 bar man a little closer to me than the 3g man, so it leave enough room to spray through, i do that in a few different spots on the net)

What am i missing and what can I do to improve my shot by practicing.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 11:01:59 AM »
tons of stuff to be written on a pull but you are not talking about mechanics so much as what to practice so here goes

don't work on deadman, it is a waste of time and will mess with your stroke...if you can do a great long squared off or slight cut back long stroke, you don't have to worry about DM...

you said you put the 2 bar about a ball and a 1/2 out from the wall for your long stroke...let me use a different measuring rod...use your fingers to measure that space...a ball and a half would be about 2 1/2 to 3 on this unitl you can do it 18-19 times out of 20, then move it down to 2 fingers and then when you can do that 18/20 go to 1 1/2 fingers, etc down to about 1/2 finger...this will give you all the long you will ever need

Straight - should be able to do this a number of different ways
Squared off or cut back split - 2, 2 1/2, 3, 3 1/2, 4 holes...2 and 4 are open often
practice these dead still from 1/2 second to 12 seconds
practice these with fakes from a standing position from 1/2 to 12 seconds
Rolling pull...practice all these shots while rolling the ball into position so that you can hit them from any position along the roll...learn to vary timing

I just found a post I save from 2006 so I will post what the best pull ever has to say about what to practice
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 12:38:32 PM by bbtuna »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 11:07:52 AM »
Todd Loffredo

TL ezboard 9/5/06
This opinion is based on experience and is only an opinion.

The best follow through is to resist extending the man past the ball in case of a block so that your in position to receive a rejected shot for a second attempt. This is also true for the 5 man. So Ideally your man will follow through the shot and start to head back towards the straight and you contract or
resist the extending fingers by using the recoil in a circular motion back to the spot where the ball was struck, in this case a long. Much like the number 6 spiraling in towards the center of itself.
Adrain Zamora is an excellent example of this move/stroke watch him shoot on tape.

After you get a decent stroke, experiment with different sets. Ball very far back, ball back fairly far, Ball back a little. Ball straight under the rod. Ball in front of the rod. Ball way in front of the rod. Teach yourself how to execute a straight-middle and long from those different sets. Now after you master this, then it's time to expand and add a dimension to your game. After all you've earned it!

So now we are going to shoot a pull shot with the ball straight under the rod and the man slightly under or in front of the ball so that the back half of the man is even with the center of the ball. Learn all three shots from this position. Straight-middle-Long. You will notice that the ball stubs easy from this position but that you can also hit tight tucking middles and that the straight is slower because you have further to travel. Actually this set is slower because you have further to travel. This is why Johnny Horton shot is a little slow but very accurate.

Now do the same ball position except with your man on the back side of the ball with the front of the man even with the middle of the ball, set for a pull. Learn how to hit the Straight-middle-long from this position.. After a few days of this you will understand it better. This is harder than being in front of the ball so bear with it until you understand it somewhat. Definitely not easy. You have to spray the ball more to get it to the hole but it is much faster because your almost behind the ball already.

Move the ball back behind the rod a little and try it again. This is preferred way to set the ball on my shot. Learn all three shots, Straight -middle - long. Now move the ball in front of the rod and put the man below the ball in your set so that the back part of the foot is even with the center of the ball, again more like Hortons set.

Congratulations!! you now have a multidimensional pull shot.. Ready to improve on it? Good..Lets add yet another Dimension to your pull. This part is about stance. Learn how to shoot your favorite stance, whatever it may be. Now after you figure out what your favorite is then try a few from the body position that you caught your wall pass in. Lane pass also. I learned early in my career to shoot a pull shot with my right foot forward. I use to hit the long very good from that position and practiced it. I learned that people would leave me easy longs before I got in my regular stance.

Look how Tracy Mac stands. His body hardly moves and yet his shot is beautiful and fast. I'll bet he could hit that same shot standing on one leg after a few attempts. So stance is more about comfort than anything. Just standing in front of the rods with your right leg slightly back is probably the norm. Tommy Atkinson can stand with his right foot pointing straight sideways and still hit a great long. He is not tall, he is practiced. So work on many stances and look at the results of the stance.

Then learn the body positions that you pass in. All the shots, Straight middle and long..After this you have become a multidimensional pull shot guru! But just when you think you have it all, you can yet learn another dimension. Shooting on the roll. The thing that can put fear into the strongest defenses. Why? because now they have to block you 100 percent of the time that you are rolling the ball over and that can be unnerving for a goalie and put major heat on the other forward. Learn all the shots on the roll from many of the pass stances also.

Also, learn a quick set.  But learning how to shoot from all the positions makes the set much easier because your sets don't have to be so perfect. Learn how to shoot from about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the perfect set also because you get many sets like this when time and nerves are a factor. Is your shot complete yet? Oh contraire Mon friar

Now learn how to shoot without moving your hand or shoulders and letting your body language give the signal that your about to shoot. . You've done it! You are now master of the pull shot Universe. What's next!?

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 11:11:39 AM »

Todd L. ezboard, 9/3/06

Great pull shots are based on a lot of other variables that have nothing to do with the actual shooting of a pull shot. Then there is the actual shooting of the shot itself.

You get the ball. What is your pre shot routine? Does it establish a threat of any kind as you go into the set of the pull?

How quickly do you set it up? Can you shoot all the shots well from different sets, both under the rod and behind the rod? How about on the roll?

Does your ball scrapping and five defense allow you the opportunity to take opportunistic chances?

Then we get into the actual shot itself.
Do you move outside of your shot? Does your hand move like 98% of the people out there on most non rollover shots.

...You never have to practice the discipline of not giving the shot away (speaking of a rollover) like all other shots. Imagine if someone learned how to throw a punch without telegraphing it. That is the rollover. The pull shot is a different beast, it takes discipline to shoot it well for long periods of time.

(emphasis me) and to do it without telegraphing it

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 11:32:16 AM »
found some more Todd,

Todd Lofredo’s Advice on Shooting a Pull

Todd was asked:how do you get so much power behind it without exerting yourself ?

"AnSWeR:: My PuLLShot wasnt always so effortless, I went through many years
of Arm and Shoulder Pain before I figured out that you can't Smash
something over and over again recklessly and survive for a weekend of

I learned to Stand up more and take my shoulder out of the
shot.  This took a lot of the wasted moving parts and energy out by
accident.  Then I learned that the power of the shot comes from the hips
not the Shoulder.  I learned this from playing golf of all things.  The
Pull shot is very simular to a Golf Swing in that the arm is an extension
of the whip where the power Flows through and accelerates not where it is

When I learned the Timing between the Hip turn and the Snap of
the wrist then I not only generated power effortlessly but created a
smoother speed that is hidden to the defender.  Unlike the Shoulder
Dipping Pullshooters out there who give away the takeoff on their shot
before the ball has even moved even a micron.

I worked with a Mirror on the other side of the table to Hide my Takeoff even more.
And every now and then it needs to be re-learned from bad habits just as in the golf Swing..

The Best Grip is at the end of the handle for power and at the front of
the handle for control so I guess it depends on which you need
more.  Sometimes I move up on the handle because my Hand has a bad bone
that gets bruised from Smashing longs and having the end of the handle
prying on my hand but I prefer the end of it in the Biggest Tournaments...

Stance – This is Important, Ive seen so many good Shooters lose because of
poor Stances.  The one to me that comes to mind is Steve Murry...He is
almost standing sideways when he is in his set stance to shoot and has a
real problem with getting the Wifs or loosing feel.  A lot of old Texas
players used to shoot that way.  It puts to much strain on the shoulder and
takes the Hips out of the shot. 

Basically its like Running uphill in a race thats on a flat track.  Its good to have a little angle so you can clear the hips easily and get easy access to the power of the hips but not that much.  Tracy McMillin has an Excellent Stance to Copy for Beginners.  So
does ToM Spear.  You want to stand as if there were a Rope on your
right side and someone were about to pull on the other end of it hard.  You
want to be in a position to be Braced for the yank of the person pulling
on the other side...Now Steve Murry would get yanked across the table
Quick in his stance because he's in a weak position but Tracy and Tom
would be Braced for a good Yank.

Do I have a Hole in mind? of course I do..its LONG..hehehhehe.
And Im going to make the Goalie prove to me that he can stay on that Long.  Usually
I watch the people play in a match before I Play them.  That really helps
because I can go into the match with a good Idea of what Im going to shoot
right off the bat and when to shoot it.  Otherwise I base everything on

You see, they may want to block the long but I want to make
the long.  May the best man win...Im not so dumb that you can just leave the
man there so if you are going to stop me you have to hide it well but if its timable you can bet I'll see it.

Offense has the advantage because the shooter decides When...=) hehehe.  If I
know the Goalie’s game, it changes things and I usually know what to look for right
off the bat and how to Adjust.

You get a sixth sense about when to adjust to goalies and when you think they finally have had enough of you dictating a certain hole.  That just comes with experience.

AS far as a Rolling Long goes...well that ones easy.  People know I Like
the long and that I have a good long so in their vanity they think going
into the match that they will "bait" me for it when I roll the ball
over.  This is how you say "STuPiD" hahahaha NeVER!!!, EVER!!! Bait a guys
Favorite Shot when the shot is faster than you are.  Thats like standing
behind a Wall of Glass and Jumping out to Bait a Guy with a Gun. What! you
think your going to be able to Duck? hehehehehe...Whoops Sorry, You got
Shot..hahahaha...I know Im being kinda ***y here but Sometimes it really
is a Comedy with the defenses guys show me.

To learn the Rolling Pull it takes Practice on tossing the ball over the right way and Shooting - like anything else.  Why give a Goalie time to Relax when your setting up
the Ball...I don’t want to Give him time to do anything but Panic! =)

Offline Will17

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 12:32:33 PM »
Thanks Todd, and Tuna, these are really helpful tips and I havn't seen them before which is the best part, I am going to take my already decent pull and turn it into a killer pull shot in no time now. I can't wait until I am good enough to beat todd and rico by myself.

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2008, 02:44:28 AM »
Thanks Todd, and Tuna, these are really helpful tips and I havn't seen them before which is the best part, I am going to take my already decent pull and turn it into a killer pull shot in no time now. I can't wait until I am good enough to beat todd and rico by myself.

One thing mystifies me, as a pull shooter from Florida:  Why stay away from the deadbar and its more common cousin, the 7 long?  If you never develop a deadbar or hopefully the 7 long, which goes past the goal like a sidewinder righthanded pitch before tailing back in to the right corner, you will always have those lanes that a goalkeeper will soon realize you don't have.  Don't practice it, even though all the top pullshooters (yes, including Rico) in the US and the world all have it?

To the opposing goalie, it means he/she only has to worry about 3 lanes if you leave out the 4th & 5th option.  Or only 2 lanes if that leaves out your 3rd & 4th option.  I used to wonder why proMasters' (and a lot of Pros and Experts too!) deadbars and 7's looked so smooth and actually easier than the straights and 3/4's they had to work for.  Until I was able to observe Tom Yore and Rick Ino and TMac doing longs.  The technique is ridiculously easy, once you figure it out.

But if you never practice or experiment with it... you'll be like a Michael Jordan wannabe, trying to master the 3point jumper by shooting a million freethrows from the 15foot line.  You'll hear this a lot:

" I practice deadbars, by just shooting 1fingers... coz I'm a genius"

" When they give me a reverse and race, I have to try a straight or a drag-split spray between the men, because I don't have any square past the 3/4, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night, so I'm not a moron."

I've shown the technique to several 20yr rookies who've never had a consistent square deadbar or 7, much less the confidence in having the whole strike zone to pitch to.  Invariably they kick themselves for not ever having tried years, even decades ago, for a week or two to figure out why these nasty pullshooters they'd played against all their foos lives had these longs that were effortless.  So they got dominated, no, more like run over, by all these young rollover shooters, most of which develop a natural deadbar or 7 on one or the other side, if not both.

Know that the deadbar long and 7-corner have all the characteristics that Todd described.  They just have a further release point and the takeoff is what makes the difference.  Don't cripple yourself for the next 20 years.   Get a DVD with TMac, Tom Yore, Tommy Adkisson, Horton, or Beine or something... Hint: Examine the takeoff and what angle back roll they put on the ball.  Note that their elbow never travels backwards more than 2 inches, but its the wrist that moves.  The deadbar 4/4 long or the 7 (5/4 long) are no harder to master with the right technique: they're the upper corner (topshelf) high heat fastballs of foosball - basic as vanilla in the pros and higher ranks.  Good Luck.

PS, next time you're in Tampa or Orlando or perhaps Oklahoma City or Dallas or Houston, join any deadbar winner-take-all events... see if you get past the rookies.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 11:49:29 AM »
how often do goalies use a post up defense?  only once in a while as a change of pace to bait people but no one in their right mind is going to use a post up defense against a good pull shooter for long and it doesn't matter if you think they can shoot deadbar or not

a good pull shooter can shoot around a the goalie in a post position about 1/2 inch off the if you can do this, every time like a machine then you don't need a deadman or 7

all 3 shoot to the same exact hole the deep 5 hole but the deadbar and 7 take longer to get there and require a much more refined stroke

I contend, that unless you are working against a defesne posting you up, you gain nothing to use deadbar/7 and you loose speed and consistency

however, with all that said, if you like it, you are consistent at it, and you are susccessful with it, then shoot away, I just would never recommend a pull shooter who is developing their stroke to practice it

Note:  I think it is nice to have a "7" storke with your pull but not to the deadbar is great if you can get around and do a 7 at all the holes up to the deadbar

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 11:05:01 PM »
how often do goalies use a post up defense?  only once in a while as a change of pace to bait people but no one in their right mind is going to use a post up defense against a good pull shooter for long and it doesn't matter if you think they can shoot deadbar or not

You don't get it.  It has nothing to do with a postup D.  The idea is to have the same stroke for any pull to any hole.  The same release, the same type of takeoff.  Do you see Kobe Bryant shooting a line jumper, lunging forward, no matter what the distance, 5 feet or 32 feet?  No!  He shoots with the same classic jumpshot and wrist snap he's developed since he was what, 4 yrs old?  Yes, a linedrive lunging jumpshot will get to the hoop faster, but that's the desperation style.   Except for broken plays, I see the Manning brothers shoot a very consistent stroke to the receiver, not several different throws.

The reverse or postup D, is also just icing on the cake, a soon-to-be-victimized goalkeeper who is showing you exactly what you started practicing against years ago!  But it certainly humiliates anyone with no square or 7 long.  Yes, you can drag split behind the 2bar player, but then its a battle and evens up the chances of the goalkeeper.  Take away any hope with a post or reverse D, and who suffers, the forward?  You're giving away a ton of options!

a good pull shooter can shoot around a the goalie in a post position about 1/2 inch off the if you can do this, every time like a machine then you don't need a deadman or 7

I thought this was about becoming a "great pull shooter".  And if you have the table and the time, the technique for square or 7 shooting is so easy, and it ABSOLUTELY eliminates any chance of a "feathering" or "shiver" D at the 3/4 working.  Film or video it.. you will see the the 2bar hanging out at the 3/4 more, because of the fear that a "good" pull shooter will automatically do the classic 3/4 to the long or slight spray.  But against a 7 shooter, who can even add more spin to pump back to any short hole, that is a suicidal D.  The OPTION is there.  And any 7 shooter with that natural "6" stroke can hit any pump inside, much more reliably that a "good" or "so-so" pullshooter who has to deal with 4 or 5 totally different strokes alien in timing and release to each other.

all 3 shoot to the same exact hole the deep 5 hole but the deadbar and 7 take longer to get there and require a much more refined stroke

Isn't that the idea with practice, to get that refined stroke, burned into your muscle memory, instead of trying to wrench that ball past the big dot or 3/4 so you can spray that worthless ball going AWAY from the goal?  If you can shoot square at the 2 or 3 finger, if you have the right technique, you can kill deadbars all day without getting tired!

I contend, that unless you are working against a defesne posting you up, you gain nothing to use deadbar/7 and you loose speed and consistency

How can you say that?  You'd have to have a different stroke for different holes!  Against a standard D, with the goalkeeper player doing a "deny", shaking between the 3/4 and long hole, you'd have to develop the square or 7 stroke inside.  With the goalkeeper doing a "race", you have to do that wrenching pullthrough that can be almost square if you hit it right, less and less as the night goes on, especially against a fast goalkeeper.  On the third goalkeeper option to switch the men back and forth, changing the open lanes, you'd have to slow down or speed up a 1, 2 or 3 inch pull to time it!  How is that more reliable and energy-conserving than developing one stroke, one takeoff that wraps around to strike like a snake back at the goal.  The "pump" from the 3 dot back to the straight hole is a 7, the plain split at the big dot is the same shot, at the very least square, and the option to stroke to the long or the 3/4 hole on the high heat long is always available!

however, with all that said, if you like it, you are consistent at it, and you are susccessful with it, then shoot away, I just would never recommend a pull shooter who is developing their stroke to practice it

If a player wants to pull, and he/she trains to have to master a straight stroke, a racing pullthrough (minimum backswing), and a 7 for inside shots, plus the drag split for crossover/reverses IS GIVING THE GOALKEEPER the options.  Goalie can do a "deny" to the long, and just fight it out in the sticks inside!  That is so counterproductive, not to mention having to practice 4-5 different pullshots?

Let me ask you: I'll bet you've had nights where you've had all the things running like a locomotive, and shot like God.  But I'll also bet you've had nights where 2 or more of the options just don't work - you realize and shoot the other 2 or 3, but by then, it's too late.  Nice game.  Especially if you can't race the goalkeeper, you will have known the term "gag" in a foosball sense.

Note:  I think it is nice to have a "7" storke with your pull but not to the deadbar is great if you can get around and do a 7 at all the holes up to the deadbar

The 7 stroke (see Tommy, see Tmac, see Horton when he was younger) equalizes the natural 7 from one side or the other or BOTH from the rollover shooters you come up against.  That's why most good rollover shooters have an automatic: one or the other small box white line.  Not INSIDE the white line, but ON IT. They come in with the maximum long hole, which looks impossible from straight ahead, but with the goalkeeper pointing outwards in classic Standard D, the shot is coming from outside, and the hole is very big ... ie. a mini Post D!  And anyone with the 7 stroke can adjust to a 7 going in to the 3/4 or deeper, with absolutely NO  TELL!  Very good against a "jumper" goalkeeper that kicks out, past the 3/4 in a "catch the long" stab.  And yeah, that long is open much more to a 7, because the the goalkeeper has to squeeze that hole almost to 7/8 to prevent an outside 7 long from coming in to the corner.

BBtuna, I wish you could visit South Florida, or Tampa or Orlando or points west : Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, where the pull is kept very alive.   I would bet a ton of quarters, after I showed you how easy the technique is for a square long or a 7, that you would literally kick yourself so hard your blue or brown or whatever eyes would go all-brown, because of all those wasted years!

One last question, if all those longs and 7's are such a waste of time, why do all these ProMs seem to take it whenever they're offered?  I'm talking about in a match, like Rob Mares or Tommy or Tom Yore, when they're shooting the pull.. bait them the square or 7 and it's over!  Don't let me get started on Billy and Ryan Moore or Mario,  who will shoot deadbars from the goalkeeper rod and can even shoot past an extreme deadbar 2bar with NO BUSHING on the right.  The kid in this thread says he wants to be the best and beat the best!  So why would you tell him not to practice and figure out what every frigging ProM pullshooter has in his/her arsenal?  You're telling him to have a complex offensive pull series, but stay away from the deadbar and 7?  But still be consistent, try not to develop tells, and just cry when the defense won't let any spray longs through.  Like basketball, be like Kobe or Mike, but don't practice any 3's.  Or baseball: just practice going through the middle of that strike zone, forget the corners .. oh yeah you'll become a Cy Young or World Series MVP pitcher.  Not gonna happen.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 11:07:22 PM by foozkillah »

Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2008, 01:04:19 AM »
Don't have time right now but I've seen my share of pulls, played against them, and played with them, some of them the best pulls that have been seen in the game. Oh yeah, I'm from Texas, Dallas to be exact. Deadman pulls in a match 9 times out of 10 are by accident. The dead stroke is just the result of having a good stroke.

A good pro goalie never gives the reverse as a viable d, only a bait. The dead stroke takes too much time too execute and everyone named will tell you so. What you are seeing is a combo of the two, spray and 7 stroke for speed and accuracy. The best pull shooters are in tourneys longer, why would they exert useless and valuable energy to do a slower stroke?

Having a 7 stroke is good because it allows you to hit very precise middles, but it is not necessary to hit a deadman. The dead stroke requires a lot of energy to perform throughout a tourney. And besides, if a the men are posted in long, why would you shoot at a half inch hole vs. a 2 inch one in front of you?

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2008, 10:15:05 AM »
well, you said that in a fraction of what I did and with much more authority...

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2008, 09:28:27 PM »
well, you said that in a fraction of what I did and with much more authority...

Don't have time right now but I've seen my share of pulls, played against them, and played with them, some of them the best pulls that have been seen in the game. Oh yeah, I'm from Texas, Dallas to be exact. Deadman pulls in a match 9 times out of 10 are by accident. The dead stroke is just the result of having a good stroke.

I have no doubt of his authority, BBTuna, but the gist of my argument was not to neglect shooting deadbars in practice!  And I certainly prefer the 7, which even if hit at the long (at deadbar) is actually more effective at going inside the goalplayer man!

A good pro goalie never gives the reverse as a viable d, only a bait. The dead stroke takes too much time too execute and everyone named will tell you so. What you are seeing is a combo of the two, spray and 7 stroke for speed and accuracy. The best pull shooters are in tourneys longer, why would they exert useless and valuable energy to do a slower stroke?

I never said do a slower stroke.  With the right technique, as Todd Loffredo or TMac can show you, there is no difference to hitting that "6" stroke to the 7hole as Beine calls it.  Are we disagreeing?  A pull shooter in "deadstroke" can hit the long hole as easily as any shorter hole.  Maybe a millisecond later, but if that's the hole the defender snaps to, that's the hole!  So if you're practicing longs and wish to practice squares to long, at the 2nd to last right dot, and either go square or back in to the goal in a 7, why wouldn't you set the men at the deadbar position?

Having a 7 stroke is good because it allows you to hit very precise middles, but it is not necessary to hit a deadman. The dead stroke requires a lot of energy to perform throughout a tourney. And besides, if a the men are posted in long, why would you shoot at a half inch hole vs. a 2 inch one in front of you?

I value the 7 stroke as much as anyone, and I never said it was necessary to hit a deadman, but practicing it forces the player to go "square" or more,  and with more and more practice, develops a reliably square stroke or a 7.  The dead stroke long may require more energy, especially with solid rods like the Warrior's, but sometimes that is what is called for!  You may not have the blazing speed to the hole of a pump inside or a roaring split, but having the smooth deadbar or 7 is still another option to have.  And BBTuna, if you ever play gitablok and you're getting bricked from the short to the 3/4, spray or whatever... never having practiced the extended square long means you won't have that option!  No major league starting pitcher in baseball shoots all high heat fastballs, either, but they can certainly do it in situations where it's called for!  Even the best closers have a hard time with any more than 2 innings!  But they can do it when it's needed!

BBTuna is telling this kid to NOT PRACTICE a deadbar!  That's what I'm against!  So when a goalkeeper's got a forward's number inside: no straight, not spray allowed, racing to the three quarter and shutting it down ...  If the kid never practiced the deadbar or long 7, even just a smooth one, not necessarily a high energy stroke, he might as well walk away... he's done!  Unless he/she can build a time machine, jump into it, go back and practice his/her stroke to include one that goes square or 7 at the long, and then jump back and shoot it.  Why make it easier for the goalkeeper?  He/she has to know that if they leave a baiting post D for too long, or keep the back (goalplayer man) too long at the 3/4, he/she will get drilled by a square shot or 7!

I'm talking about training! Not shot selection.  To illustrate, set the goalplayer man with its toe pointing away from the goal, to allow a long hole just slightly bigger than the ball's size, in standard D with the 2bar player guarding the shorts & middles.  That's virtually a deadbar!  Any pull shot released before the 3rd to last dot has no hope of getting in there!  What would Richard Wight or TMac or any of the Smiths do?  Same thing Todd Loffredo and Johnny Horton and Tom Yore do... they square the shot and will hit what is basically a deadbar stroke.  So I'm encouraging the kid to set the deadbar and learn a long square stroke.  Even possibly set the goalkeeper player exactly behind the 2bar.  Get the muscles trained to square the shot.  And use it in play at those times its the one option the goalkeeper gives you.

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 08:05:54 PM »
2.  SHOOTING Deadbar in competition
I think this has been covered and Ice did a good job and I can't really improve on that and I will let him expand...just want to summarize and say
*Deadbar is lower percentage shot for the VAST majority of people and not worth the risk in competition (great for showing off though if you have ever seen Tommy do a deadbar while someone pulls the deadbar 2 bar as hard as they can against the wall and he does like 8 in a row (but not 18/20 I might add)...but Tommy is a freak with single man shot especially the pull)
*Deadbar is unneeded and provides no advantage over a 1 finger pull all things being equal
*Deadbar take longer to move the rod that much further and especially if you are trying to do a serious long 7 deadbar and so all things equal, it is a slower shot - slower because it takes longer to develop

I've been observing promasters, grandmasters, whatevermasters, at least on the mainland since 79 in Cleveland, as Tony Gwynn and Chris Bothe can attest to. That's where I met 'em.  Just about every one of the PM pull shooters since then, whether they used the deadbar or 7 once in a match or 10 times in a match, showed they had the deadbar.  In fact, I haven't met or seen any good pullshooters Expert or above, that don't have the deadbar or 7!  And you're saying they got this by not practicing it?

Hitting the deadbar is not necessarily the fastest shot, but practicing it first with the reverse or crossover set is easier for a young beginner or kid to measure the square long.  Sure the other shots are physically faster, but timing and a correct square stroke are more important to hit a hole.  I ran community teen centers in the 80's in PA and then the 90's in FL. Showing the correct technique for hitting the deadbar wasn't that hard.  Obviously your technique is very different.  To me and my fellow foosers, a deadbar shot is a point shot to hit the 7ball hole squarely.  A deadbar D includes the baiting 2bar post, of course, but it ALSO INCLUDES a standard D with the Gbar player pointing forward with room for a ball or so at the 7ball hole.

I cannot see any possible way to hit that standard 7ball hole by just going around a 1finger 2bar post!  What you're saying is that as they get pumped up they get longer!  I trained kids to go past that post the first hundred shots in a 2barD then another hundred with standard Gbar deadbar D.  I also strapped their elbows with belts or bungee cords to prevent their elbows from moving back more than two inches.  Why practice the 1finger technique when you can practice the correct technique from the get-go?  Believe me, I tried using that old 3finger, then 2finger, then 1finger post to train them.  They ended up spraying the more they got pumped up.  The only way was to go dead from the beginning, let their muscles get used to squaring behind the ball and with each hundred shots they got smoother and faster.  

Your technique is the same as teaching a basketball player to shoot from 5 feet, then 10 feet, then 15, then 20, and then hoping they figure out the 3pointers from all that!  And yes, the 3pointer gets to the basket slower than the 15 or 20, but it still counts!  And so does the layup, just like the straight in foosball pullshots.

And talking about D, with today's switching D's you can often find goalkeeper positions where they snap to a position as they sense the takeoff.  They call it snapping to the trigger points in Michigan and Ohio, we call em release points down here.  So you can still find a lot of instances where the deadbar hole is available, fast, slow, whatever, as long as it's executed correctly.  Your technique seems to be built on developing a kid to get a ripping 3/4 or 1finger to the long against a racing D.  My experience, both watching and playing, is you will always meet a goalkeeper who races to shut down your only long.  So I always taught these kids to practice the deadbar and the 7 long as part of their repertoire.  Doesn't have to be superfast like those races at the 1finger, just smooth and hitting the 7ball hole when it's there. around the 2bar or around the goalkeeper player.  Met any successful pullshooters who never yanked or strained but always squared or 7'd their shot, no matter what they were shooting at?  I have.

I wish I could show that kid of Will's the technique by showing him/her drills in 30 minutes.  No yanking, speed development only with smooth stroke ... After a couple thousand shots with the right stroke, he/she will have that option, with the control to square or 7 the shot.  Not necessarily superfast, but fast enough and retaining ALL the options.  And definitely faster than a straight!

I have also met so many players that started out with the 3finger-2finger-1finger crap, and they all shoot snakes or other shots now.  Or play goalkeeper.   Your basic high Expert or Pro rollover shooter has square shots to all 7 holes, besides the sprays and 7s, of course.  Not all these square shots have to be blindingly fast as in their fantasies, but just smooth and square.  Why not let a pull shooting kid with a table learn all the square options too?

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2008, 10:58:00 AM »

I really like your writing, I wish I could spend a few months with you, I am certain it would improve my game a ton.  You are obviously a teacher and I really respect that.

I haven't seen your method of teaching a pull used and you seem to have had some success with it so I won't argue with you about that.

I will defend the other method with what I experienced in developing my own shots and the people I played with...I have seen some really fine pulls that were developed this way.  When Kurt Timmel was in his prime, a good friend who I saw develop from scratch, I would have put his long up against anyone I have ever seen and I was 19 when I atteneded 1977 Worlds so I got a chance to see all the greats of the early TS game.

now, this is just anecdotal and isn't proof of anything, he, me, and others I have known and the Pros who taught me, could have learned what they needed despite the training method but it isn't possible with where the game is at in its evolution (very young compared to most sports/games) to say in absolute terms what is best

Your method wants to work from the outside-in and mine wants to work from the inside-out

I would love to try your method out, I am always looking for new ways to learn and new methods of development

personally, I was never a pull shot shooter...I started with a push, like so many beginners, then when I got serious went to the Backpin which has been my primary shot for the vast majority of time.  A couple of times in my early development I thought I should learn something else and I learned a pull-kick and push-kick during these foreys...I would always go back to the pull but I had serious mechanical issues and would hurt my wrist and not be able to get around the ball

I have learned since then, this was mainly due to the fact that I learned to shoot with my thumb up on the rod...I finally abandonded that this year and retooled some things and can now shoot long squared off pulls and cut-back pulls without pain...I always had the inside game and a strong spray but I can now do all of it just not as consistently as I would like but at 51, I am not going to abandon my backpin for the pull even though I totally love shooting the pull

oh, and by the way, no one learns to shoot in basketball from outside the 3 point line and develop a good stroke/mechanics and move your way out...i am not to say it proves my point, I am just saying

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Different Pull Shots Practice
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2008, 12:38:05 AM »
Fooskiller, I really like your writing, I wish I could spend a few months with you, I am certain it would improve my game a ton.  You are obviously a teacher and I really respect that.
I haven't seen your method of teaching a pull used and you seem to have had some success with it so I won't argue with you about that.

I have real emotion behind having the right technique, because I've had so many dear friends and partners who shot pulls, but have all fallen by the wayside because their technique wore down their tendons and destroyed their foosball careers.  They all started with the same 3finger, 2finger, 1finger and this turned them into yanking pullshooters who, when they needed that square long, eventually blew out their wrist, their elbow, or even their rotator cuffs.  Several of them now just watch.. because their arthritic calcified wrists and shoulders won't let them play anymore.  I came from a couple of years of frontpin and backpin Euro's in junior high.. so I respected the pull, but realized how effective shooting from outside the hole through larger holes was.

I will defend the other method with what I experienced in developing my own shots and the people I played with...I have seen some really fine pulls that were developed this way.  When Kurt Timmel was in his prime, a good friend who I saw develop from scratch, I would have put his long up against anyone I have ever seen and I was 19 when I atteneded 1977 Worlds so I got a chance to see all the greats of the early TS game.
now, this is just anecdotal and isn't proof of anything, he, me, and others I have known and the Pros who taught me, could have learned what they needed despite the training method but it isn't possible with where the game is at in its evolution (very young compared to most sports/games) to say in absolute terms what is best
Your method wants to work from the outside-in and mine wants to work from the inside-out
I would love to try your method out, I am always looking for new ways to learn and new methods of development

Perhaps some kids or beginners see the light of keeping all options open, but I kept seeing 19 of 20 kids that developed only a spray pull, would all turn into "yanking" "cranking" pullshooters.  Great one night, awful the next, which is why I started looking out for a better way.  The spray from inside out is just as valuable to any shot, including the pull and even more the push, but I had to figure out why Todd Loffredo & Tommy Adkisson and other elite forwards showed they could pull around anything, again and again, without hurting themselves.  And no, i rarely saw inside shots that weren't squared or 7'd off (pumped).  The closest thing to an inside to out game I saw on my collection of Stevens' Inside Foos tapes (I got a ton, now being replaced by DVD) was when the forward sold the long and I saw a slight spray behind both players defending.

Clue 1: best pull shooters initiated all pulls from the wrist.
Clue 2: best pull shooters hardly ever threw their elbows and shoulders more than 2-3 inches.
Clue 3: best pull shooters practiced a set to maximum (furthest away) and tictac'ed or shuffled 32 to 31 and back to see how much they could get the ball to spin.
Clue 4: best pull shooters had no thumb to mess up the shot, only a hammer grip giving maximum area (kinda like racing tires theory) on the handle, no matter if they held it "choked" at the handle/rod or middle or butt end.
Clue 5: best pull shooters started slow to check for a jump, and then accelerated, giving that illusion showing the ball the first 1/2 inch at takeoff, and then disappearing.

personally, I was never a pull shot shooter...I started with a push, like so many beginners, then when I got serious went to the Backpin which has been my primary shot for the vast majority of time.  A couple of times in my early development I thought I should learn something else and I learned a pull-kick and push-kick during these foreys...I would always go back to the pull but I had serious mechanical issues and would hurt my wrist and not be able to get around the ball

I have learned since then, this was mainly due to the fact that I learned to shoot with my thumb up on the rod...I finally abandonded that this year and retooled some things and can now shoot long squared off pulls and cut-back pulls without pain...I always had the inside game and a strong spray but I can now do all of it just not as consistently as I would like but at 51, I am not going to abandon my backpin for the pull even though I totally love shooting the pull

I'll wager you enjoyed your first deadbar around either post on either side with your backpin.  AND the inside out internal shots on the splits, too!  Yes, and did you have difficulty switching to frontpin and trying to go hard and square on the push side, too, didn't you?

oh, and by the way, no one learns to shoot in basketball from outside the 3 point line and develop a good stroke/mechanics and move your way out...i am not to say it proves my point, I am just saying 

No it proves my point, you can have all the mechanics you want, but never practicing those mechanics from outside the 3point line (you know the 3pointer shooters have shot those a million or more times!) is the same as telling a kid to never try shooting against a 2bar "post" deadbar or goalie deadbar post.  The deadbar 2bar and then later the deadbar goalkeeper set is important for the kids or beginners to measure the shot and train their eyes hand, wrist and arm and to burn it in their muscle memory.  You can have perfect mechanics but if you never practiced shots from outside the line, you'll never become a good 3point shooter.  I have personally never seen the specialists warm up inside the line ... at least in the NBA or college hoops.

Pull shooting a square or 7 long: (the Florida way)
1. Hammer grip - tight or loose thumb off or with no effect on the handle.
2. Take off - "pitch" at the start is the ABSOLUTE vital feature same as a rollover.
3. No recoil, except the natural recoil from the wrist returning to position.
4. No over crank of the wrist... back of the wrist goes from a V to a straight line with the forearm, no more than 180 degrees or straight, and then back to the V, like revving a motorcycle right handle. 

Try tic tac'ing or passing between your 32 and 31.. see what mix of longitudal and lateral spin ends up with the ball at the long or even beyond.
A. The harder the initial longitudal roll (vertical) towards you, the faster the ball accelerates to your inside wall.  You can easily figure out how much before you can hardly catch up to the ball at the long.
B. The harder the initial lateral roll (spinning like a top) the more return force you get when you shoot through the ball, and you can figure out (especially for 1/4 pumps) how much you snap the foot backwards before even shooting a spray square or reverses the ball at release.
C. Mix the two at the pitch until just touching the ball with a consistent stroke at the long or anywhere, (1/4, middle, 3/4, long, 7) makes the ball "kick" at the touch.
D. A consistent hammer grip means no veering or other unneeded forward motion.  Add forward followthrough to taste (for the loudness).  The longer you can stay on the "kicking" ball dictates how much power you put into the shot.

No brawn needed, just practice. 

Principle is exactly the same as a long pullkick. mix the the spin at takeoff and just go through the ball at the long or 7...  The longitudal spin brings the ball as fast as any yank towards you.. the lateral spin squares or even imparts return motion to the shot more than any shoulder punch can do.. No jarring.

Principle is also exactly the same as the acceleration or tictac square wall pass..  Proper pitch the 52 player results in the 51 only having to barely touch the ball before it explodes along the wall to the 31 player.

Tie your elbow to the fooshole or left near rear leg to prevent your elbow from going back more than 2 inches, experiment with footwork to allow you to do this in doubles, and practice this a couple of hours a day for a week or two.  You should be getting that feeling of the ball thwacking into the front of your player's foot at the long or the 7, like a perfect baseball mitt catch.  And you can actually feel you can land on that ball at that instant and direct it to the 7 hole the 3quarter or even way inside.

If you get this, you will realize why snakes that seem so slow get to the last dot so fast, and why deadbars and 7's on either side from the best rollover shooters seem so good and consistent.  They use the physics of the ball and table, just as pull shooters who wish to match up need to do.  And yes you can practice those inside to out shots too, using as much longitudal spin possilbe only, with no lateral spin to screw it up by squaring it.

When playing goalkeeper, set the 32 defender to exactly between the big dot and the first dot closer to you( goalie pull deadbars).  Getting the pitch down to hit this gives you the option to go deadbar or wait a bit longer and hit with your 21 (near player) for a 7 pullkick to either corner of the goal.

That is the equalizer, physics and speedwise, to the rollover.
You listening, Will17 ??   You wanna go nuts on this?  Train your kid to shoot the 1/4, middle split, 3/4 split and longs blindfolded.  A thousand shots each should do it.  Then teach the inside to out takeoff only, no lateral backkick at the start, blindfolded, too!  Another thousand shots each.  Nothing encourages a kid more than those loud hard shots.. Then train him/her the basic 50=50 defense on the five.  But that and the 5bar are another story.