
I can no longer participate

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Offline Paul

I can no longer participate
« on: September 22, 2008, 01:20:21 PM »
 After this past week's fiasco, I will no longer participate in the weekly tournaments.  Through my years of playing, I have been threatened numerous times by several different players.  I have never been apologized to for any of the threats.  The players who have threatened me have never been removed from the premises due to their threats to me.   Instead they have been allowed to continue playing and stay at the bar.  One of those players was finally banned from the bar after threatening someone else, but not for the years of threats toward me.  As long as this continues, I do not feel safe at the tournaments.  I can not recommend other people to join this group, as the environment  may not be safe for them as well.  It seems the only way to compete hear is to be the physically strongest (not best foosball player) so that others will be afraid to threaten or attack you.  I notice that the physically strongest people never seem to have to deal with this issue.

I regret spending the money that I have to keep the tables in good condition.  I have been spending an average of $200 a year for table upgrades.  Kevin has thanked me for the investment, but never any of the other players.  I regret spending the additional money for the points race, when we already know the outcome.  I regret spending money on food for the group as a good will gesture.  I regret any beverages that I have purchased for players as a good will gesture when I don't even drink.

If the individual who last threatened (assaulted?) me is permanently banned from the tournament and bar, I may return.  But do not expect any further investment from me.  It's someone else's turn.

All I ever wanted was an opportunity to meet new friends, get out of the house and have some good clean competition.  Unfortunately, getting out of the house was the only outcome.  I can do that in many other ways.

Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 04:21:53 AM »
What the heck happened to you this weekend?
I don't ever recall anyone ever threatening you or anyone else for that matter....ever.
Am I walking around with blinders on or something?


Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 04:28:50 AM »
There were some issues with my partner, and as I recall, I did everything I could to end the argument.  But I do believe Kevin may have established some rules on this sort of thing, so I'll have to ask him about that.

I'm just sorry it happened at all, and I don't think anyone wants added drama or fighting at foosball.


Offline foozkillah

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Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 08:43:48 PM »
Holy Cow!

What bar is this?  Even over a decade ago, in Tampa, when we used to have tournaments at StopSines, which was a true, dyed-in-the-wool biker bar (ala Quentin Tarantino) any fights were quickly stopped by the "sergeants-at-arms" for the bar, when they weren't repo'ing some felon.

Or even back in the late 70's at Sferra's in Warren, OH, which mixed Outlaws, very sensitive police officers, drunk college students, firemen, construction workers, assembly line workers and others with the heavies of the Euro-Mediterranean persuasion (town was practically owned by General Motors, the DeBartolos and US Steel, of course).. we never had foosers assaulted and ignored.  And the TS browntops were immaculate.

Sounds like the bar and its patrons really had it in for Paul!

Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 01:35:44 AM »
It has nothing to do with the bar ... we're actually at one of the most mellow in town.

And Paul is certainly not the only person who has had to endure such an incident over the last 20 years we've been playing.  There have been numerous times in the past, especially during high-dollar tournaments, when emotions were high and people were tense.  Add to that some alcohol, and things can sometimes get out of hand.

While I certainly feel for Paul, I, too, have had to endure conflicts.  Yet, I still try to overlook the bullies (in some cases, we have literally moved to a different bar) and conflicts and continue to strive to enjoy my foosball.  I'm not going to let anyone else ruin it for me.  I can't control anyone else, only my reactions to those people.  I can only keep trying to have fun playing foosball.

We do have a standing rule that someone who has consumed too much alochol is forfeited from the game, and that if it continues, this person will not be welcome at all, which is the rule I was referring to when I mentioned talking to Kevin about this.  I don't know it word for word, so would like to get some clarity.

Regardless, Fooszkillah, welcome to the Last Frontier.   :)


Offline foozkillah

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Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 12:16:01 PM »
While I certainly feel for Paul, I, too, have had to endure conflicts.  Yet, I still try to overlook the bullies (in some cases, we have literally moved to a different bar) and conflicts and continue to strive to enjoy my foosball.  I'm not going to let anyone else ruin it for me.  I can't control anyone else, only my reactions to those people.  I can only keep trying to have fun playing foosball.
Regardless, Fooszkillah, welcome to the Last Frontier.   :)

I'm familiar with the problem.  Especially tough when player who's a problem drinker sometimes is one of the better customers at the bar or venue you're trying to help promote with your tournament. 

I've run a few events with those kinds of players, myself.  Best results, which can be hard to get when you're busy trying to move things along, is when you and others can be proactive.  Spot the ones who're going to be a problem and head them off before they explode.  This can be tough, keeping an eye on all the play as much as possible, trying to defuse it when the tempers flare, but it can sure save the night.  It also usually means you can't concentrate and enjoy playing, anywhere near as when you're not dealing with it.

But like you said, welcome to the frontier.  One solution is to just ban and not play with those who bring their personal problems to the event.  This can be really tough, especially when some of them are the better players.  No event organizers or tournament directors can ever fix these, only defuse them and even then still have their night ruined.  Another solution is to get the other level-headed players to present a calm, unified face in front of the hotheads.  I found if I could convince several others to keep the hothead occupied, keeping him/her away from losing it, that they would settle down, often as not.

Another thing is to never listen to those who say, "let's just keep going and play some foosball."  You have to almost put your foot down, be ready to give the problem players their money back, reset and redraw the tournament if you have to, and even inform the management you have a problem.  The last thing the management wants is any altercation that can spread or disturb the other customers.  It sucks, but so does losing your venue.

Re: I can no longer participate
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2008, 03:29:05 PM »
Well, we just had the chance to speak with Paul and Kevin and discovered something had occurred in the parking lot for which the rest of us were unaware.

I think we'll be dealing with things appropriately now.

But you're right about a lot of things and we've definitely utilized some of those tactics in the past.  As it stands, most of the old problem players don't really show up anymore.  Or if they do, they contain their drinking and usually the nights go along more smoothly.

I'm actually hoping we can get beyond these kinds of things because I'm excited about all the action being taken nationwide to get foosball more popular, and hopefully, get younger folks into and into the Olympics.  Woo hoo!

Thanks for all your words of wisdom,
