saturday is foos part at Justin's and he has a caliper so we will measure then but I am telling you, even if they prove out to have a difference, there is no impact on play based on their width...they play different but it is the material and surface and I would be willing to bet that the Dynamo balls weighs a little more
i have been using 6 Dynamo balls for as many weeks now and it is overall a better ball in my starts with much more control and looses its brushed surface much slower than the Tornado ball
however, now that they are well worn in, the different between the D and T as well worn balls is pretty small...the D still has a little more control but again the difference is slight
however, for tournament play, the D would be better becasue they would make the entire weekend without loosing much of its original play where as the current T ball (not the new up and coming T ball since they have settled on that and I haven't evaluated anything) looses its fuzz usually within the first day*
*for those who don't know, the fuzz doesn't come off the ball, that is why you never see little red particles on the table, the fuzz is really a nap and with play the nap is packed back down on the ball...that is why you can clean and refuzz them without loosing any size...there are several long threads/articles on this subject on the other board