
Spredeman Singles Final Video

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Offline bbtuna

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Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2008, 05:15:17 PM »

I want to say thank you for keeping at Inside Foos, I hope it has grown into a decent living for you, you deserve it for staying after it - don't know what the sport would do without you THANK YOU

on the new T seems the balls introduced with the tables down in Texas were not the same ball that was tested that you refer was rubbery and bouncy from all the report I read and heard

I got the impression T wasn't going to go with that ball after all the you have an inside (excuse the pun) track to know that T settled on the first ball you mention below?

I guess I will know soon enough, either way, I am looking forward to it and to play on the new table...i am in the minority I am guessing but I am very excited about the new side strips...i naturally make a ball jump and the strip just makes it twice as bad and I want to shoot banks...I am dubious that the foot design change will make that as clean as I would like but hey, I will take what I can get

love the new look of the table, it is sick as they say now adays

thanks keep filming and I will keep buying

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2008, 01:31:45 AM »
Yep, got the info straight from the horse's mouth. The softer ball that was tested in Texas (and Vegas) will not be used. It pins great, but it slows the game down and just doesn't sound as good when you score. The harder darker-red ball will be the new one. It will still pin great (and bank!) with the new crosshatching on the feet, but will also play very much like the Tornado ball we're used to.

Thanks for the kind words and Inside Foos will keep doin' our thang.

The audio on the new vids is awesome isn't it? Every tic, tac, brush and bank. You could hear the players almost hyperventilating during the 5th game and I've never seen Fred so vocal.

Awesome stuff. Git 'em while they're hot!


Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2008, 08:12:17 PM »
i watched the video, awesome snake.a question though, doesnt having the handle that far up on your arm rotate the guy over 360 degrees?

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2008, 09:13:50 PM »
The rule is 360 Degrees befor or after striking the ball so...if the man is on top of the ball, it dosnt make 360 b4 striking the is like 340 degrees....

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2008, 11:32:34 PM »
But like you said, there's also the 360 degrees AFTER ball contact, and that's where I think the real line is relatively questionable. There's alot of players who basically hit the shot, and let go of the rod... or seemingly do so.

I'm not saying that the shot should be illegal due to its popularity, but the 360 degrees following impact could sometimes be in question.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 11:38:09 PM by Syronis »

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2008, 11:43:56 PM »
i watched the video, awesome snake.a question though, doesnt having the handle that far up on your arm rotate the guy over 360 degrees?

Added to the uniqueness of Tony's game is how he "holds" the handle. Take a closer look and you'll see that the handle is almost lengthwise on his wrist; from the base of his thumb to the bottom of his forearm. This is what gives him the control to move the ball around. A more standard wrist position doesn't allow the kind of quick lateral movement that Tony uses so effectively.

Rotationally, there's no difference.

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2008, 06:53:20 AM »
I've read that Tony uses his "grip" because that's how he started playing as a kid, and that he's just stayed with it ever since, even though it could be regarded as detrimental to the execution of shots. Does anybody know if that's correct?

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2008, 09:21:03 AM »
That statement is correct. Tony told me himself when he was younger he had to hold the handle that way and it stuck. That is also why he uses the far wall passing series.

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2008, 06:37:33 AM »
That statement is correct. Tony told me himself when he was younger he had to hold the handle that way and it stuck. That is also why he uses the far wall passing series.

Interesting! So he started using the far wall series because for a kid it's easier to see the far wall of the table?

Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2008, 04:02:19 PM »
That makes alot of sense... I've noticed while playing that I have a better 'touch' when I'm playing far wall, but being able to clearly see the ball and man positions makes it easier to execute passes near wall. I've been working on a near wall passing series, but hope to expand the passing set to encompass the whole 5 bar. Tony's passing set is pretty sickening though.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Spredeman Singles Final Video
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2008, 05:46:40 PM »
good to learn ball control on your 5 and have at least a working knowlege, eventually, on how to do everything both far and near wall

however, here is my little bit of what comes most natural physically, don't fight can learn other stuff but understand your body so you know the difference of what comes natural and what you have to work on

if far wall feels more natural do it...there are advantages and disavantages on both sides and you will make the needed adjustments to the shortcomings of either side based on your committment to that side

some of the best 5 bars of all time have been far wall...Tony of course, Bacon (another Tony), Jeep, Spear (actually did both sides the only top player I know of that used both on and off even in the same game and equally good both sides)..hmmm, who am I missing?

anyway, go with what is most natural as often as you can every part of the table...some things you gottat do even if you can't find something "natural" but when you can, go with what comes easy and those things will become your go to stuff