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« on: October 08, 2008, 01:43:40 PM »
Hello all, I am writing because I have had enough of getting embaressed and mocked. I have played foos for about a year, I have a strong midfield defence and shot, but my 3 bar shot is so weak, I do not have a strong right handed shot at all, I dont know why, but I do have a good slap with the 3 bar. I also with my 3 bar have little to no shots because of it being so weak for some reason (even though my right is stronger than my left). All the other players mock me because they say I do not have a drag and flick (pull shot me thinks its called) so I have just a few questions, hopefully you can help me become really good, because i go on it for about an hour a day at school and I wanna win more and enjoy it more, because currently gettin mocked and degraded on the foos table is ruining it for me, so please can you help?

1) How can I get a stronger right handed hit? because my left is really strong but muscle wise my right is stronger
2)How can I create gaps?
finally 3) Which maybe 2 shots should I possibly learn or adapt? because the opposite defender is amazingly quick with his reactions and is difficult to get passed.

Thanks for reading and I hope you reply


Offline Will17

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 01:48:42 PM »
search for instructions on how to shoot a snake/rollover and learn that. I guess i'm assuming you play on a tornado table? if not then there is not too much help anyone can give you...

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 04:32:37 PM »
what table are you playing on?

your use of terms make me think you are European (or at least not US unless you have a long background in soccer) is this correct?  if so, the style and tables are different, you can still find help here I just mean the direction and coaching will be different

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 04:39:20 PM »
well my table is one with a glass top, i use orange balls made from a plastic substance and the bar arrangement is goalie, 2 defenders, 5 midfielders and a 3 bar up front. so what do you suggest for my problems? thank you for reading my post anyway so far :D and yes i am european

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 05:05:20 PM »
are the color of the men blue and red? if so it is probably a garlando...

as far as gaining strength in a shot, it seriously just clicks after playing a long time.

I would 1st look to your stance, stand directly square to the table (in the forward position) and then strike a boxing position, or pretend you are going to punch the table. Your right foot should be back with your left foot forward with a slight twist in your hips.

2nd the grip, bascially put your hand up to the handle and pretend to shake hands with it. Slightly roll your knuckles towards the top of the rod. Of course, make this position comfortable to you.

when using a pull shot, make sure that the ball is flush against the man before take off, this is probably the main problem that new players have. Also, you should have the ball positioned so that it is directly under the rod or slightly back, be smooth with your motion, and dont go very fast at first... just get the mechanics down....

practice this and post back and see if it helps...
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 05:07:07 PM by rios820 »

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 06:55:49 PM »
yeah it is the red and blue men and thanks for the help, I will definatley practise that and get back to you

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 08:53:17 PM »

You can check out my tutorial on shooting a pull. See if that helps or works in the table that you are playing on.
Usually with any shot, it's not the strength of your hand, but rather the technique that generates power.


Offline foozkillah

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 10:11:11 PM »
You can check out my tutorial on shooting a pull. See if that helps or works in the table that you are playing on.   Usually with any shot, it's not the strength of your hand, but rather the technique that generates power.

GFreak, Ezekiel "Zeke" Cervantes is the one whose pullshot tutorial I recommended to you.  He's absolutely right.  One of the better vid tutorials I've seen.

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 08:34:26 AM »
Since he's probably playing on a garlando, wouldn't it make a lot of sense for him to learn the Snake Shot?

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 01:28:39 PM »
Hey guys I am indeed playing on a garlando, and I tried the wrist thing, I dunno whats happenin, im doing what is sed but I just isnt workin atm, but I will keep practising, but yeah someone said something about a snake shot, I have spoken to zeke on youtube about it, and I can see what he is saying, it would indeed work but the problem is that the balls are too slippy and you just cannot apply any pressure on them to roll, and the bar is too heavy also, so what should I do?

thanks to all so far for helping, i truly appreciate it!


Offline Will17

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2008, 01:52:43 PM »
Watch this video, pick what is better for you out of these shots. Probably stick with either a pull shot or the snake shot. make sure the bars are smooth, maybe you need lube, maybe you need practice. Do things SLOW and consistent to start. if you can consistently shoot something then try speeding it up after.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2008, 02:01:05 PM »
Garlando has more control than Tornado so you should definately have all the control you need

it may be that you are not using a regulation Garlando ball...A ball can take a high control table and make it a hockey skating rink

clean bearings and rods and get some silocone and that will fix any issue with the rod...if after that you are still having issues you can be pretty certain it is the user not the equipment

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2008, 02:03:45 PM »
Hey guys I am indeed playing on a garlando, and I tried the wrist thing, I dunno whats happenin, im doing what is sed but I just isnt workin atm, but I will keep practising, but yeah someone said something about a snake shot, I have spoken to zeke on youtube about it, and I can see what he is saying, it would indeed work but the problem is that the balls are too slippy and you just cannot apply any pressure on them to roll, and the bar is too heavy also, so what should I do?  thanks to all so far for helping, i truly appreciate it!  Gfreak  


In 79, 80, and 81, my friends and I played on a really beat (worn) Garlando in an outdoor drive-in theatre when I was living and working in Warren, OH, and it had several loose bolts, a funky glass top, & was a ton of fun!  The one thing my friends and I learned to do on that weathered Garlando was to use a back-pin and front-pin (even with square toes!) to shoot the ball. (Except those that were hard plastic and shaped like a miniature soccer ball).  Worked OK on Deutsche Meister balls, but it worked best on the yellow paraffin-compound balls.

You may wish to try that as well as the snake/rollover.  Even if you eventually switch to the pullshot or rollover, learning a backpin, and then a frontpin shot, should develop your technique & power at release or shooting time.

Have you seen vids of rollovers yet?  They are ALL OVER THE NET.

Re: Helpppppp
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2008, 03:11:38 PM »
A snake is possible on a Garlando, but I always tell people that are starting to learn the basics to work on their pull 1st. Gamefreak, are there any tournaments in your area? The best way to learn is to watch good players in person. That way you can see how they stand, and the grips they use, and their techniques.

Like I stated earlier, the main thing with beginners is to make sure that your grip is correct, and to make sure that your stance is correct. Alot of the time, your hips get in the way of your arm, make sure that you have that right foot back so your body isnt in the way. Make sure the ball is flush against that guy, and is located directly under the rod or back slightly...

watch those videos on youtube, they will help