I thought the Warrior played very similar to the Tornado, just slower. My snakes worked fine, tic-tac passes were slower, and brush passes stubbed more if I tried a deep brush. I didn't try any pullshots. They need to forget painting the handles on the Warrior, they should use a bare wood handle for those times when you feel like playing bareback. My perfect table would be a compromise between the two--more ball control than the Tornado, but more lively tic-tac action off the men than the Warrior because I like tic-tacs, they are the funnest shot for me even though my snake is more consistent. In funzie games I shoot staggered tic-tacs 3 to 1. I did NOT like the 1 man goalie. Although I started on TS, I've been on a 3-goalie system for too long now. My goalie game, especially in singles, suffered from the lack of wingers due to less options with shooting and passing. Flatten the surface, restore the wingers, I wouldn't have a problem with the Warrior.