well, I know it appears I am biased because I shoot the shot but my opinion on the shot and the fact I shoot it aren't really related...i shoot it now because I started using it in my first foosball life and had so much memory in it when I came back I didn't want to start from scratch to learn a new shot
I thought it was good back then but I really hadn't formed "best" shot type of distinctions at the time...in those days a person could (and did) pick from a wider group of shots...i picked this because it was unique and I was trying to develop a unique (Tony Spree like) game
my opinion now is informed by a much greater understanding on mechanics of shots, starting position, options, capabilities, potential for speed, decptive capabilities, etc. My opinion is NOT based on how hard it is to learn, this doesn't figure in at any level...if it did, it wouldn't be anywhere near the top because as i said, it is very likely the hardest shot to learn
you are right when you say "it isn't the shot that wins championships...it is the person shooting" but that is not relavant to the conversation...I am not saying and have not suggested that there is some magic in the shot or that you could give it to a complete boob and they would easily win worlds
I am saying it is the best shot because of what can be done with it that can not be done with any other shot and given all things were equal...same player, same understanding, same skill, same depth Billy/Tony/Ryan/Rob Atha shooting BP's (totally matured like their rollers are) compared with Billy/Tony/Ryan/Rob Atha shooting rollers would change the foosball worlds opinion on the BP FOREVER
the kind of pin point precision and control you have with brushes/angles both directions, coupled with the easiest longest longs in the game, ball control, speed changes, direction changes...it is possible to hit every hole from every position from one end of the goal to the other, straight, angled, brushed, with or without fake, double fake, triple fake, pound fakes in place, or jump pound fakes and the reverse, same direction short either direction
it is mind blowing all that can be done...there is not other shot that even comes close...the euro is the closest but even that is very limited and not anywhere near as capable with pin point splits in shorter space than you ever imagined possible
all this can be done holding the ball the whole time available or can be done as a quick shot
and we aren't touching all the extreme stuff that can be done with relative ease and accuracy like tick tac kicks, dinks, banks, outside men slices, quick rolls into kicks, pulls, pushes, etc
no, it isn't even close...the great weakness of the shot is how long it takes to learn and having (at least for me) too many options but that goes back to the player's ability more than the shot itself
no, all things being equal, the backpin is the best shot on the table from the 3 rod in terms of what it can do compared to any other shot on the rod