
Tornado Update Kit

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Tornado Update Kit
« on: January 26, 2009, 05:15:41 PM »
Tornado has updated their website and added the New Parts to their "Tornado Parts Page":

You have to scroll down near the end to see the "New Parts" pages 18 & 19. I assume that means they will be available now or very soon. It looks like the update kit will include quite a few things other than just men, balls, handles, score beads and bearings.


Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 05:30:04 PM »
yea, i think it has the emblems, and edge gaurds and scorekeepers. i got those with my table and am still waiting for the balls men and handles.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 05:35:17 PM »
side-strips and ramps  ::) :-\

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Tornado Update Kit Warehouse?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 12:12:58 PM »
I can understand why everyone's anxious to get their hands on that update kit.  That kit may certainly up the resale value down the line, even if it's never used.  Everyone knows that Valley-Dynamo's on the selling block (hopefully not the auction block).  And Tornado may or may not got with V-D.  Which may or may not be good in the long run.

Does anyone know where the parts and tables are being manufactured, in case they're liquidated for some reason or other?  In this economy, any tool-and-dye personnel and infrastructure liquidated will probably get retooled and changed ASAP by whomever takes ownership, so it might be a good idea to know where they're made and warehoused.

I'm sure some product or brand will take over the market, if Tornado does go bye-bye, but that would still leave any former distributors in a quandary in the meantime.  Congress was almost willing to let several thousand BigThree auto distributors go fish and hang in the wind, and I doubt there'll be any kind of bailout for Tornado distributors.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 12:16:55 PM by foozkillah »

Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 07:23:47 PM »
bubbyman--> you dont want any tornado balls right now!! the last 2 orders of balls we have made have been terrible! they play like somebody took slick marbles and put them in a tumbler for 60 seconds. playing w/ really old balls is much better than the new ones valley is currently putting out.

Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2009, 10:56:42 AM »
We have the new counter balanced men, the split bearings and the red balls available at  If you have any questions about them, please email me at If you want to update your older model table...we have kits available for replacing parts on 4 rods or all 8 rods.

Thanks for all your support and business!

Debbie   :)

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2009, 11:01:15 AM »

do you have or will you have the entire official "kit" and tornado pricing? 

Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2009, 01:55:58 PM »
We are still waiting for an update from the factory as to their kit. We will post it on our site as soon as it is available.



Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2009, 07:20:18 PM »
i just got an e-mail from charles macintosh. they still dont have the kits that were supposed tobe out in december. something fishy going on here?

Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2009, 10:04:01 PM »
Hey i'm no expert on the evolution of the Tornado men, but don't the new generation of men from Tornado have the cross-hatch going 3/4 of the way up the front of the foot?

Because the men in the photo (on page 18 of the link from the first post in this thread) have the cross-hatch only going 1/2 the way up.

Is there a definitive description around for the new Tornado men?

Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2009, 08:17:07 AM »
The new men have the cross-pattern 3/4 of the way up. They do not have the rounded corners on the foot sides like the old men. We have them in stock as well as the new bearing halves. And yes we are still waiting the arrival of the factory kits.


Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2009, 10:00:42 AM »
The new men have the cross-pattern 3/4 of the way up. They do not have the rounded corners on the foot sides like the old men. We have them in stock as well as the new bearing halves. And yes we are still waiting the arrival of the factory kits.

Thanks Debbie. So the men pictured on page 18 of the pdf (from the first post above) are NOT the new men.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2009, 10:20:24 AM »
i am told the kits were supposed to be available a number of times and the release keeps getting bumped -Charles McIntosh has been told they have raided the kits for production whatever that tells you

so, unless you are "owed" a kit, you really don't "need" everything that is in the kit like the stickers, hole plug, etc

all you need to totally convert your table, play wise is

new bearings (only need table facing plate)
new men
new side strips

the handles are optional really but they have the shape of the older thicker handle (the dip is not as pronouced) and they are designed to be "quick change" which I assume means they are moving toward teh quick change system created a few years ago that almost released but was put on hold due to player blow back mostly I hear

anyway, Jim Waterman (owner of this site and says the handles also weigh about 1.5oz more and so will make the play a little different as you adjust to the extra weight specifically on the end of the rod

I personally don't see this being much of an adjustment so I don't see them as essential as these other items

here is what I recommend as min...this will convert your entire table but if you are like me, and you don't have people over often and you use your table mainly for practice, you can cut these numbers in half and only convert your practice side first, then the other later

8 new split bearings sets (for both 5 rod and 3 rods) - $1.49 per half = $23.84
1 set of new side strips - approximately $12
22 new men (3, 5, and 2 rods) - $4.50 each = $99
15 roll pins - . $.35 each = $5.25
Total "Tune Up Kit" price is $140.09

you can do just your side for $70.05

Now, a full conversion kit with all men, bearings, etc is supposed to go for $199 initially I hear but that is sort of pipe dream in my mind right now and I am not paying any money for big stickers which advertise the ITSF, USTSF, VIFA, and/or Tornado...they should be paying me (opps, a little bitterness eeked out)

the current "kit" by Tornado does not inlcude converting the table to a one man goalie but that will have to be another discussion for another day since that is not yet fully a done deal (though I believe it is 99.9% done unless Tornado tells the ITSF where to get off and is willing to quit over it - I think they would have US player support (and other Tornado players) but I don't see this happening given previous history)

Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2009, 04:17:12 PM »
The picture is the old man. We should have all the new pics on our site by next week.

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Tornado Update Kit
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2009, 08:20:19 PM »
the current "kit" by Tornado does not inlcude converting the table to a one man goalie but that will have to be another discussion for another day since that is not yet fully a done deal (though I believe it is 99.9% done unless Tornado tells the ITSF where to get off and is willing to quit over it - I think they would have US player support (and other Tornado players) but I don't see this happening given previous history)

Well, if they (Tornado's new ownership) decide to go with the single player goal and framps, that would leave it wide open for not only Brendan to go back to his 2003 config with the wingers and flat surfaces, but all other makers already making the flats with 3player goalie rods.  That might be a bit dangerous, considering North America and most of Tornado-exposed Asia have been playing the durable, more economical, better-designed, and flat surfaced tables for 2 decades.  Notwithstanding Tornado's recent history of having pseudo-"framps" all over the field, not in the corners.  Their "Trekkie", or "Warped Field" versions, that is.

Could be an opening for one or more enterprising manufacturers, especially now that China took 2nd in the Asian championships in Malaysia recently, thanks in part to our own Tornado-Worlds-titlist Shanghai Fred's efforts, and their appetites must be whetted for more international play.  Farid and his minions have and will be working against that, of course... because having even a small tiny minority of 1-2million Chinese playing daily must blow everyone's mind.  On a table that can and is played outdoors, really needs no electronics besides basic lighting, traditionally made with wood, some plastic, and metal rods...  and can create a 4player profit center in in 1/5th the area needed for pocket billiards or darts, 1/30th the area needed for table tennis, it's just ridiculous..