Thanks OM.
I´m a constant reader of this board for a quite a while now and enjoyed many of your posts. I´m going to be in Dallas this year, so if you make it I´d be looking forward to meeting you, maybe exchanging some knowledge about the long snake shot 
Hey Jonny, If you make it to Dallas, look me up. I'll be one of the THREE black guys in the room,lol. Hopefully in March if all goes according to plan, I'll be at the Tecball world's. Are you going?
I know you said it was more of a personal thing with Tim, but it would have been nice to see you go up against someone like Billy, Todd, a Tracy Mac. No offense, but although Tim shoots a good pull, it is not one of the most dynamic. And the fact he really didn't change his defense against your shot baffles me a bit. But you gotta love it when someone calls you out on something and shove it down their throat for all to see.
I've shot this shot before not as a main shot only as a change of pace and only on a goalie who has no clue. Never thought it would be a viable shot against good goalies. It's similar to two guys I've seen in France on the Bonzini. They both shoot front toes but one starts from the pull set and the other the push set and their straights are devastating. In other words, they have also taken a shot which traditionally started from the middle and have moved it to one side.
So if I don't see you in Holland, I'll see you in Dallas for sure, I live here. Tell Sandra, Tim, and Mark I said hello.
And bodygroove, no excuses. You need to go to the Tecball Worlds. Time to put up or shut up, or should I say show up,lol. If I travel 7000 miles the least you could do is travel a few hundred kilometers right?
P.S. Hey Spray, Jim Stevens says hello.