The problem with entering the results into the point system, here in the US, is that there isn't just ONE piece of software being used to run all of the tournaments, there is currently at least 4-5 different programs.
Being a former coder m'self... that is not a problem, if you look at it from a reliability and durability point of view. You then have 4-5 separate tests of more ideas and more hypotheses in the actual applications. The "herd" mindedness of other more indoctrinated cultures can definitely lead to faster domination of one picked alternative, and of course, the loss of the information and experience gleaned from more than one point of view on any subject. Farthest thing from the American experience, which is very much more independent thinking and more varied experimentation. Obviously a bad thing for Americans, because it made them come up with things like electrification, telephony, portable calculators, mass-produced cars and other thingamajiggies, computers, passable moon travel, binary simplified calculation & execution, personal computers, and most important of all .... permaprest pants, talking pictures, and the TV remote.
Now all these things pale, of course, in comparison to others that came before, from other civilizations, like writing, running water, sorta cooked food, torture dungeons, nifty astrology, dingy castle/sooty mudhuts/stinky tents living... but we can all see how hard it was to sell that stuff... never any sales or discount club coupons. What fun were they?
And the free-er thinking way will almost certainly actually give North American record keeping an edge, because what was technologically sufficient, even superior, for a few years, is continuously and inevitably obsoleted by this planet's new paradigm: death, tax refunds, bailouts and even more change in all of the above.