
mental attitude

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Re: mental attitude
« Reply #195 on: August 17, 2009, 07:39:50 PM »
Just wanted to thankyou Zeek. This program works great. The hardest thing is to be honest with yourself. But the more honest i have been to myself the easier it becomes. I have told so many people about this and it has changed there outlook on there life and mine. YCTTMLT (YOU CANT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT) is huge. I never realized how much i thought like that in every area in my life except for foos. That is a big reason to why i think i have excelled so much in foos. So I greatly appreciate these post Zeek and I would love to hear about the mystical no mind world.

Thanks Mario Ariganello

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #196 on: August 21, 2009, 05:22:41 PM »
Only one thing is constant in the universe. And that is that things are constantly by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, moment by moment.......always changing.

The understanding of this, and the realization that you cannot unchange something that has happened, is the key to the next level
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 05:27:50 PM by zeek mullins »

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #197 on: August 31, 2009, 08:06:57 PM »
  Several people have suggested that i could get paid for my stuff. I certainly did not start telling what i have learned, on this board, with the intention of making money. I spent M's of dollars and several years learning this stuff, and i am having fun sharing it. There are obviously a lot of people who appreciate this information as much as i do. 11,000 hits, who'd a thunk it.
  Karin and i are currently involved in a law suit with a company that we own stock in. Our legal bills have pretty much eaten up everything we had saved, and we are getting to the point that we are tapped out. We are looking at every possible way to generate some cash.
  So my question is, would it be reasonable to ask for small donations from you guys? I am uncomfortable writing this, but at least i am persuing every avenue i can think of. 5 or 10 bucks from 4 or 5 hundred people could be very helpful to us.
  Just a thought. Let me know if i am out of line here.
  Anyway, i am working on the "next level" stuff and will probably start on it after the worlds.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 08:09:04 PM by zeek mullins »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: mental attitude
« Reply #198 on: September 01, 2009, 10:26:10 AM »
not unreasonable as a request but I am guessing you wouldn't get 400 or 500 to respond...with 11k hits, you would think that was a small percentage but I would be surprised if your number of truely unique visitors was higher than 400...I mean, I have been back here at least 25-30 times and probably more

however, if things are tight, if you have 20 people respond or 500, every bit helps

I would say suggest a minimum $10-$20, the price of a book more or less and say if you can give more, you can cover others who can not give while you navigate this tough time

anyway, why don't you post an address where donations can be made and/or a PayPal address and at least give people a chance to donate if they want to or can

I will for sure send you something...things are tight for me but I am supportive and this material has been very helpful for me, I will give details another time

I see you are selling your table, so I know things must be tough - like I said, times are tough for me too, but I will find something to send your way...if I had the resources, I would bail you out completely and work with you to make this the best book ever written for foosball

if I can help in other ways, PM me and I would be glad to help in other ways

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #199 on: September 01, 2009, 11:27:27 AM »
Zeek, sorry to hear of your hardship. I can relate as construction is really slow here in the NW. But can I make a suggestion? You have responded to all questions, in this thread, in the order they came at you. But the rest of us threw in our two cents also so your particular message may have been lost at times. Why don't you write a book about what you know in relation to foosball? Then you can take the reader step by step through the thought process in a way that builds towards those revelations that truly help. Anyone who truly loves this game realizes that the mental game is huge and would love to have this information in a form where it could be digested a little at a time. Thus a book is the best vehicle and would and could give you that income. I would buy it. :)   Maybe what you should ask is would anyone be willing to help with publishing fees with a modest return should it sell.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 11:31:20 AM by Old Meister »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: mental attitude
« Reply #200 on: September 01, 2009, 12:19:59 PM »

A book is a good idea down the road but that takes time, months at the very least and it appears to me that Zeek needs help now...even still, the biggest selling foosball book ever still won't make him much money...only if it crossed over to other sports - which is possible but would probably take an effort unless the thing had all its own magic and just spread like wildfire but that is more like buying tickets to the could happen but not good to plan on it
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 12:22:31 PM by bbtuna »

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #201 on: September 01, 2009, 05:04:51 PM »
Thanks guys
  Any donations will be truly appreciated, and i promise to go the extra mile to give you your moneys worth in the next segment.

Paypal -

John & Karin Gililland
925 Batchler Rd
Red Oak, Texas 75154


Re: mental attitude
« Reply #202 on: September 28, 2009, 08:57:56 PM »
Several thousand years ago, a few people got tired of being pissed off and afraid all the time. They began to search for the reason for human suffering. These people became known as seekers. The stuff I have been talking about is the result of those thousands of years of searching.

“Nothing is real, but words make it so”
Our personal reality is determined by our mind, our computer. Based on previous life experiences (programming), we put meaning on every thing that happens. And this meaning, this “reality”, can be completely different from one person to the next. One person might tell you that a gun is a good thing, that it exists so you can have a way to protect your family from evil. The next person may tell you that a gun is an evil instrument and the cause of much suffering and should be eradicated from the earth. So is a gun good or evil? The point is that the meanings we put on things, based on our programming, are completely arbitrary! Until we put our personal meaning on it, a gun is just a hunk of metal, karmic goop. These arbitrary meanings, created by our minds, are the major cause of  suffering in the world.

There are three levels to the concept, the way of thinking, that I have studied. The first two levels involve the world of the mind and all its creations. The seekers learned to control the mind, and thus manipulate and create reality in the world of the mind. But they still found that they suffered when things did not go the way they wanted. They realized that there was something more to true peace and happiness. Something was still missing.

The third level is called the no mind world. Here nothing has any meaning. There is only You/Spirit (the witness). The realities created by the mind are viewed as a game, a play. Not the true reality. In this realm there is nothing to fear, nothing to lose, nothing to get, nowhere to go. One name for this is enlightenment. Some seekers achieved enlightenment. It is said that if you meet one of these people, its as if no one is home (mentally). They eat when they get hungry, sleep when they get tired, and spend a lot of time sitting in the lotus position contemplating their navel. They are said to be in the ultimate state of peace and happiness.

Yuk. If that does not sound like any fun, it doesn’t to me either. Don’t despair. I lied. There is actually a fourth level. But understanding the third level, and even experiencing it, is the key to the final level

Next I will review the first and second levels. Then I will get into the third.

Offline Tyler Foos

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Re: mental attitude
« Reply #203 on: September 29, 2009, 08:55:12 AM »

"Nothing is real, but words make it so". I like this, and it reminds me of something I heard long ago (can't remember the source) that 'a word not known is a thought not possessed'. How true!

As for the book suggestion, so much of what you are offering is not specifically related to foosball and if you ever do go that route, I believe it could appeal to a vastly larger audience than just foosers, and should be marketed as such. To anyone, really.

Similarly, I have had a successful experience with 12 step work, for me as it related to alcohol abuse, but the basic foundation of the 12 step process can apply to anyone. It really is an exercise (when applied properly, and this is where I have a problem with AA) in getting down to what's real. The serenity prayer - God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference - is said at the beginning of every AA meeting. But it is not something you simply say and then expect to somehow magically feel better. It is something that must be worked to get the benefit. If something happens that really takes over your emotions, you become depressed or whatever emotional burden messed up your serenity, get a piece of paper and write the problem on the top, the WISDOM part of the exercise. Then start 2 columns, the one on the left THINGS I CAN CHANGE and the one on the right THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE. Then spend some time writing down anything and everything you can think of that applies to the problem/situation in those 2 columns. Once completed (honesty is absolutely crucial here), take a ruler, rip the page in half and throw away the part on the right, because that is the crap an alcoholic will drink over. Now all that's left is the things you can change and with it (again, gotta be honest) you can let go of the rest. Once you do all you can with the left column, you have done what you need to do, I call it getting down to what's real. This process removes extraneous emotions that alcoholics are really practiced at using, and the worry that was initially bothering you is replaced by the pro-active actions/behaviors that you need to do moving forward. Do that consistently as life's problems arise and you will find that things that once seemed to emotionally challenge/hinder you no longer do and you start doing a much better job of manageing your life. And you don't have to be an alcoholic or drug addict to apply this, anyone can benefit from it, and in the process learn the importance of getting down to what's real because THAT is where you will find serenity in life.

My 2 cents..................................................Tyler

« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 09:03:37 AM by Tyler Foos »

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #204 on: October 19, 2009, 04:10:29 PM »
We have been talking about a way of thinking, a concept, that will allow us to be peaceful, happy, and successful (at foosball or anything else). It involves understanding how our mind works. It involves knowing that we create what happens to us based on the programming in our “computer”. It involves believing that we have control of that programming if we understand HOW it works.
   The stuff I am teaching has evolved over thousands of years. It began when a few people, who became know as “seekers”, got tired of being unhappy much of the time, and set out to figure out why, and what they could do about it. If you find my stuff interesting, you are a seeker.
   Basically, there are three levels of consciousness involved in this concept. I have been talking mostly about the second level, which involves the mechanics of how the mind creates your reality. The third level is about dealing with the results you can create in the second level. There is actually a fourth level which involves knowing and understanding level two and three.
   Important: Remember that all this information is just information, words! Until you “experience” it, it has no meaning. I can tell you everything I know about Hawaii, but until you go there, you don’t really know what it is like. It is your emotions and the accompanying physical actions that create your “programming”. Not the words.
   Here is a review of level one and two:
Level One – Here your mind is doing everything we are learning about in level two. But it is all going on outside of you awareness. Your mind is doing what minds do. Reacting to outside stimuli based on the programming you have created over a lifetime of experiences. But since you are not aware of this process, the results you are getting are random. Your mind accepts the first program it finds that relates to the situation at hand, and creates the reactions and emotions related to that program. Since YOU have not instructed it otherwise, it thinks that is what you want. As a result, sometimes you get what you want, sometimes you don’t get what you want, and sometimes you get what you don’t want. Being unaware of how it works is the reason people in level one experience a lot of suffering in their lives.

Level Two – This is the level of the world of the mind and all its creations. The mind is doing what it does, creating your experience of life. But you are learning to be aware of what it does and how it does it. All the concepts and principles I have been talking about are designed to help you run your mind instead of letting it run YOU. Over many generations, the seekers discovered how to create much of what they wanted in the material world. They found that they could become very good at this using the principles they had discovered. From a material view point, this was a way to create more “white” than “black” in their lives. But they eventually discovered that no matter how hard they worked at it, there were still always a certain level unwanted outcomes. And when these unwanted outcomes happened, they still suffered negative reactions. They also noticed that there were a very small percentage of materially successful people who seemed to be able to remain happy and peaceful regardless of any outcome. How did they do this? There must be something more. The seekers kept seeking. What they learned is what I have called level three. Level three requires the use of imagination and faith. It uses many metaphors and “mystical” stories to explain its meanings (you will understand why). It is fascinating to me. It is also necessary in the whole scheme of things.

As I get into level three, I will also throw in some more about level two. I have only scratched the surface there

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #205 on: October 21, 2009, 07:28:40 AM »
It sounds like time for  "Chapter Two". I'm looking forward to it!  :)

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #206 on: October 29, 2009, 12:05:40 PM »
“You Cant Talk to Me Like That!” “You Cant Do That To Me” What happens to us when we get in these states? In a word, we get “offended”. We take offense to something that has happened. Websters defines Offend as “to cause to feel vexation or resentment usually by violation of what is proper or fitting”. The key words being “what is proper and fitting”. Proper and fitting are concepts. Your concept of proper and fitting is based on the programming in your mind, developed from past experiences. Hopefully yall understand by now that my stuff is about believing in, and adopting, a way of thinking that allows you to control this programming and thus create new (or remove unwanted) concepts that help us to be peaceful, happy and successful in the material world. The ultimate definition of “Let Whatever Happens Be OK” is “adopting a way of thinking that allows you to not be offended by anything!”

“Keep doing (thinking) what you are doing, and you will keep getting what you are getting”. If you are happy with every facet of your life, you don’t need to read any more of this stuff. But if there are things that you want to improve and change, you must be willing to adopt a different way of thinking and acting. You simply cannot keep thinking and acting as you are and expect different results!

Over many generations of searching, the seekers began to understand how to run their minds consciously (level 2), and they became very good at creating their reality in the material world. But no matter how good they got at it, they still found that they experienced some level of suffering. Eventually they began to understand why. Two of the main reasons were 1) There were millions of other people out there trying to get what they wanted, and their goals did not always coincide with yours 2) Every thing happens in time. Example: You may be playmate of the month this month, but next month that will be gone.

About this time the seekers also noticed something else. There were a small percentage of people who seemed to be both successful in the material world and peaceful and happy in their lives. It just seemed that no matter what happened, these people dealt with it without suffering. It seemed that they never took offense to what was happening. When the seekers asked these people how they accomplished this, they couldn’t explain.

Im working on a post about what Bill Harris calls “Threshold”. It is a way of understanding what happens when we start getting in the state of “offended”, and how to deal with it.

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #207 on: October 30, 2009, 08:47:54 PM »
Zeek, I'm sorry I didn't respond before now but I'm looking forward to what you have to teach us. It's a real pleasure reading and mulling over the information you give us. I like to reread it before tournaments too. Like I said, good stuff!

Offline BillV

Re: mental attitude
« Reply #208 on: November 15, 2009, 12:54:18 AM »
In a recent series of tournaments my experience with these concepts has gone full circle. From applying them better, gaining confidence, getting good results, learning what I needed to improve, to working on those physical improvements, expecting better results, only occasionally getting them, to being frustrated, to realizing that I was no longer applying even the rudimentary ideas at the beginning of this thread, starting to apply them and getting better results again.

I think once again I let my short term success and good results turn into expectations of performance. Instead of applying my brain to envisioning the next pass, shot, or block I was either enjoying a good shot or fussing over missed opportunities. Nothing went as well as it was earlier.   

Anyway, I look forward to the next installment from Zeek and hope that it helps me to apply these principles more consistently.


Re: mental attitude
« Reply #209 on: November 18, 2009, 08:27:10 PM »
  Remember that all the programming in your "computer" is the result of many years of experiences. Expecting it to change overnight will just set you up for suffering.
  with patience and understanding of the techniques and concepts in my stuff, things will begin to change.
  Witnessing is the key. When you get unwanted outcomes, if you react in your old way, the old way becomes stronger the next time you experience the same set of circumstances. If you can learn to recognize when the old reactions start, and learn to just step back in your mind and watch, with curriosity, the old reactions will fall away. The next time they will not be as strong. This wont be easy at first. As i have said before, there is some work to be done. But with work, witnessing can become habit
  After 6 years of working on this, i still have many situations where the old, negative reactions start to come up. But now, most of the time, i recognize them almost immediatly. and i know how to stop them. This allows me to refocus on the task at hand, and as an added bonus, i dont wind up experiencing the negative actions and emotions.
  I dont know if i have mentioned this before, but this is a key, key concept - What happens to you does not come from outside you. It is how you percieve the happening that determiines its reality to you. Ill get more into this later. (key level three concept)
  I am working on the next post about "threshold". It should clear up some stuff.
  sorry about taking so long. still trying to get my finances in order.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 09:26:12 PM by zeek mullins »