Your forcing me to get ahead of myself here, but this goes to the heart of what i have learned.
We all have millions of videos/pictures stored in our amazing computer. Every event since the day we were born. Both positive and negative. When an event happens, we assign its priority, its strength, by how much emotion we ad to the event. The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the event is registered in your subconscious mind. This applies to both positive and negitive events. When you encounter another event of the same nature, your subconscious mind searches for simular events and calls up the recorded response. If this was an event of an unwanted outcome, and you reacted with strong negative emotion, your unconscious mind will reproduce this reaction. It thinks that is what you want! And if you allow this to happen unconsciously, you just reinforce the negative reaction and experience all the negative emotions. So not only do you reinforce the negative event, you get to suffer as well.
As for your question, you dont make incomplete pictures. You have many pictures of your shot, both positive and negative. If you have empowered the negative results more than the positive, you will get more negative results. Unless you understand this, and know how to program your machine. Im getting to that.
The key to getting the most out of practice is to empower the positive results, and give no emotion to the unwanted results. I will be getting into how to do this. But for now, here are some suggestions.
1) Quality practice is more important than quantity practice.
2) Take the time to visualize what you want on every shot. Jack Nicklaus said "i never hit a shot without giving it my complete attention and intintion". Make this a part of your preshot routine.
3) When you achieve the shot you are looking for, take the time to relish the results. Add positive emotion. Pump your fist. Tiger does. (this is called anchoring)
4) When you get unwanted results, take the time to notice the negative emotions. Dont resist them. Just notice them with curiosity (this is important) and wait them out They will just fall away. You can learn to do this, and this sends a signal to your unconscious mind that you dont really want this reaction. I will show you a method for doing this.