• I believe the most positive way to live life, every area of life, is to be PHC
• I think the most meaningful result of an individual life is PHC (outside man’s personal relationship with his personal God-I say this in the context of committed Christian but others could read it there own way)
• I believe PHC defines real success for people regardless of what a dictionary or society may say
• I believe in the things Zeek is writing about up to this
• I believe in absolute truth but PHC being a requirement for success (when defined as winning) is not one of them
i wasn't referring to materialism...what I was saying is that in the context of this conversation, "success" is defined as "learning to win" or "learning to control the mental side of the game to get the most out of your game that you can get"
Zeek said, " What i learned was that being peaceful, happy and content with your life is a requirement to being successful."
I assume Zeek meant this about the entire approach he has been talking about regarding controlling the mental part of your game and why some people with like skills win and other don't - if he didn't, it is a "Non Sequitur (""It does not follow"" - This is the simple fallacy of stating, as a conclusion, something that does not strictly follow from the premises.)
I also assume Zeek meant this about "life" overall...but the statement applies to his ideas on why some win and others like skilled don't win
and Zeek says, "being peaceful, happy, and content {PHC} with your life" - PHC with your LIFE...your whole life...that is problem number one
second problem I have is that it is a prerequisite for this theory to work...remember these ideas are what Zeek discovered are the differences between those who win and those who do not win (regularly)
so, Zeek is saying, for people to be successful (in this context meaning win regularly) you have to be PHC
I am saying, this is simply NOT true...it may be true for him and true for some others who can not be 'successful' (win regularly) unless they have PHC but it is NOT a universal truth...meaning, it is not true for all people under all circumstances
While you all ruminate on this, I am going to get Killa’s cookies