
Push kick questions

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Offline Tyler Foos

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Re: Push kick questions
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2009, 04:08:22 PM »

Of course, if you're first shot wasn't a long, they may have blocked the dink on you. The importance of establishing the long is that they are forced to leave more short stuff open to be able to cover that long. Conversely, if you start with the short stuff and they block it, they are forcing you to shoot the long, not the other way around where you are controlling the shot selection. There are many defenses, but it is always a plus for you to establish that long early.


Offline bbtuna

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Re: Push kick questions
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 04:40:29 PM »
in case anyone doesn't get on the other board, here is the dust kicked up by Jakes work at the tournament

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Re: Push kick questions
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2009, 10:12:14 PM »
I really appreciate all the tips you guy gave, they all helped.  Hitting the first shot long was a good idea, but I would have to say that the most common shot people let in was the dink, and my dink was on fire :)  I slept through my pro singles and amateur singles and then they would let me play beginner doubles but I was done playing foosball.  Thanks tuna and tyler for the kind words hope to see you guys at the next one.

Yeah, I had the unfortunate luck to draw him in the very first round then fall prey to that very series. I can vouch for that pushkick dink, half the shots he scored on me were that split, the other half were 2bar pushes that either were tight in the short corner or splits. Very effective! I'll know better next time though, young man! lol
As much as I wanted to get back up to the finals to get some revenge, I got 5bar hacked out by a rather surly and rude young man who was basically just the opposite of Jake. So when Jake successfully held him off to win it all, I felt relief that Jake's positive Karma prevailed. Keep an eye on Jake, he's going on to great things!


Offline snake eyes

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Re: Push kick questions
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2009, 10:00:14 AM »
Hey Jake this is Kent from the Lake. I knew sometime this was going to happen. The times i have played in Lake and Columbia Tournaments you have always impressed me with your attitude and your dedication to improvement. I have never ever seen you lose your cool or talk trash to any opponent no matter what direction the game is going. SMOKING PUSH KICK and a solid 5 bar. Please think about Tornado Nationals i would like to have the chance to be your goalie or forward.
