
You make the call Robert vs Tom

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« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 05:48:53 PM by Daniel »

Offline foozkillah

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Re: You make the call Robert vs Tom
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2009, 05:22:15 PM »
If Rob took his eye off a moving ball, did not protect his goal at all times, in a ProMaster SINGLES repeat SINGLES match, then he suckered himself.  As Tom kept saying, it wasn't a set shot and the ball was moving.

It sure looks like Mares acted and spoke as if it was a set shot where Tom changed bars with his left hand: ABSOLUTE PROOF HE WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION to the ball, or he would have defended until the ball was stopped for a set shot.

It kinda looks like one of those cable reality video traffic stops and searches where the driver is aware but apparently oblivious to the running vidcam:  "No officer, those are not my 72 open alcohol beverage containers. And no, sir, I have no idea how those funny cigarettes got into my tight jeans pockets... they must have dropped in accidentally..."