foosworld.com started out as THE universal site and gained a very large following but then it could not be maintained and so it has become really next to nothing because it hasn't been updated in years
However, it had good features - tournament schedule, player profile, ranking, points, interviews, chat, and of course links
today, this site of course is a good one, it has training material, chat, retail, links
a number of successful state sites with chat exist but this is the second largest probably of the "general" variety the other being by far the largest (most busy) and that is
http://www.foosballboard.net/phpBB/index.phpNetFoos has become, and continues to grow, as a very important site study it if you don't already know it
then you have MN foosball for Tornado data base tournament information starting from 2000 and forward...they also have the points book
the you have ThisWeekInFoosball which is sort of a foosball video blog...Carlos is a amature with video but he has managed to get around and has provided in my mind a very cool and helpful look at foosball -
http://thisweekinfoosball.foosball.com/the recently Canada's top PM (or close) started a regular personal video blog in which he includes tournament updates (those he attends) and training
then there is Jim Stevens and Inside Foos Productions which films and annouces tournaments on both sides of the pond. Started in early 90's covering the US Tornado tour and then expanding with the ITSF and now Warrior..Inside Foos has really grown over the years and it is THE video staple of foosball
then there are the organizations VIFA, USTSF, USTSA, and the ITSF of these, the ITSF is the most dynamic and active website
making a true universal and contemorary website would need to include all the features each of these sites bring - problem is the audience isn't big enough for you to wrestle them away to something similiar and the amount of work involved to keep a site really compelling/current is very very high and it is near impossible to make enough money to justify the level of committment need to be sucessful
if you didn't get these sites to join each other into one universal site, and you weren't going to compete with each of there unique features by creating and marketing your own versions, then you become simply a website of LINKS...all these sites already have LINKS to each other
I am not trying to discourage you, I am totally supportive, I am just suggesting your goal is VERY lofty and it is frought with very real practical issues
oh, and there have been a number of attempts at this in the past
here is an example and a year later they are simply a link to a games sale website
http://www.foosball.org/if you are just looking for a retail front and are trying to buy good will you better know a lot more about foosball and what is happening before you attempt something like that...if you are a player who really wants to do something prepare for a long hard road of nearly full time hours to make it a go