Hmmmm... I noticed that the wooden handles on my older HM2000 were much different than the grey marble coin-op that I bought, and obviously very different than the newest version handle that my buddy brought over. Take a look see...

The oldest handle looks very skinny at the neck end compared to the other 2 handles...and the length of the 2 wooden handles are the same, but the newest plastic handle is about 1/8" shorter and much more rounded on the end. Interesting design changes through the years.
I keep forgetting to ask about the newest bumpers... You stated before that the newest bumper mold was a little wider than the previous version, which is why they decided to move to a thinner bearing. Having said that should I have also bought the newest bumpers to keep the guy pushed out a where he should be? I'm a little confused as to why I would need new bearings if I have the older thinner bumpers in conjunction with my older wider bearings?
Let me try to explain (I hope I understood everything correctly), would'nt the "older thinner bumpers + the older wider bearings" = "newer wider bumpers + newer thinner bearings" and have the same offset from the playing field side wall? So when I eventually replace my older wider bearings with the newer thinner bearings, and I continue to use my older thinner bumpers, won't my guys be too close to the wall? So the only way to correct this might have been either buy all newer fatter bumpers, or just keep my old stuff... I am probably making this sound a lot more confusing than it needs to be. I hope it makes sense.
Is it preferential, when playing, to have the guys closer to the side playing field?