Advice on the specific motion of "catching" which is what you said in your question.
My partner and I have a passing series worked out that involves both the far wall and near wall, but certainly focuses on the far wall. When I practice passing from the back, I pass to the far wall with a rod lock on my 3 bar. The rod lock itself applies the correct amount of pressure and the pass sticks fairly well just with that. I think if you can set up a system that you always put your 3 bar in catching position (the same as when catching a brush pass from your 5-3) then you give yourself the best chance of catching 2 bar passes. Knowing where and when your partner will pass is also important, so have something worked out first so you know what options he will probably use. All in all, keep a relatively loose grip, squeeze the rod not with your whole hand, but just fingers and palm. You will find that the ball just sticks on your rod as long as the man is pointed forward. Just make sure the ball can pinch underneath perfectly and you will be fine.