Table update....I pulled both two man rods and got they relatively straight, much better than they were. Also I found that two of the three man rods where swapped so my man spacing was off on one of my goalies and forward so those got swapped. And then at that point I said what the heck, I didn't like how the table was setup, if I stand on the ball return side the black goal was on the left and yellow on the right. So all rods got pulled and table and rods cleaned. Now it looks and plays just like all the tournament tables. I made a wooden jig to hold the rod to punch the pin in and out, very easy. I was measuring the rod "slop" in the bearings, by putting calipers on the rod and lifting up, I got any where from .017 to .065 inch depending on the bearing set. The rod is 5/8" or .625" the opening of the bearings measured .635 or .675 of the two that I measured, so I would likely say I need new ones. I ordered 4 bearing halves today and two new 5 hour balls, and one cork, maybe that will be quiet so I can play while my daughter sleeps. I'll check the bearing slop if any on the new ones once they are here.