
TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???

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TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:39:31 PM »
Any feed-back on the new Tornado tables would be very much appreciated.

Yes, I know.
Sounds stupid, but I have not played competitively for a couple of years running now.
However, I would like to gather info. from players that have played on the new version.

"If you see me at a tournament do not hesitate to ask me for a tip"

I would gladly help you with your game!

Besides, Reynolds helped me when I asked him.


Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 10:59:27 PM »
I love them. The handles are probably weird if you don't use a wrap but I do, so I can't tell the difference. The sidestrips are great, bounce passes don't jump and neither do banks. New balls are really good and don't turn into cherries at all.

Offline bbtuna

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Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 11:12:21 PM »
or those who are new players, new to the board, and/or don't know much about tournament play "Horton" is Johnny Horton who is a legend in foosball both for his play and is unique personality

one of the things I think he is significantly under-valued in is his willingness and ability to teach...he is especially good at helping new players but anyone could learn from him...I have mentioned it before but even the relatively small amount he has shared on these foosball boards, has helped my game

he once made a video teaching which showed his personality but also was an extreamly helpful practical set of lessons from all i have was made years ago when digital and video weren't as easy to save and copy and so there are few if any copies of this around any longer

so, basically what I am saying is you people who are new should really ask questions and listen and act on his training advice


On the table…if you mean the Tornado, I have played on the new Tornado table twice and converted my home model with the new bearings, side strips, men, handles, and current red 5 hour tumbled ball and I have nearly a month practicing on it an hour plus a day

Most play characteristic changes are subtle but they are real…someone of your skill level would adjust at one tournament but if you want all it can do it would take you a couple months I’m guessing to squeeze all the goodness out of it

The foot of the man was redesigned and without going into the detail of what was changed, l will just say it with the new ball gives you more control than previous Tornados…its not a ton more like on Warrior but it is noticeable and you will like it…it doesn’t impact brush passing and improves backpins

The side strips are basically flat so the ball doesn’t jump up when it hits the side and if a ball rolls to the edge, it’s a little harder to bump it off

The bearings keep the ball from going behind the men along the wall on a hard wall pass but they also improve the smoothness of the rods which was not intended by them

The biggest thing is that with the change in the mans foot you can hit banks and angles better than in the past…its not quite perfect but it is a BIG improvement which means you can do chip passes and the rest of anything requiring a straight line angle

Banks are improved too by the side strip…not quite TS level or Warrior (which is slightly better but is also not TS) but is is a BIG BIG improvement

I have found to it the banks the ball needs to be almost under the rod, just back a little, compared with TS which liked the ball back further

You will like it, your pull will be as good as ever and it is good for tic tacing and brushing so your pass series will be crisp…ball rolls great and sets up fast for me so it will be really great for you since this is such a strong part of your game

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2010, 10:20:57 AM »
If any new players or players period would like some help with their game, please feel free to approach me at ANY tournament, or right here.

I want to give back to the game and to people as well.

Horton, what does you 2010 tournament calendar look like?

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2010, 08:31:34 PM »
Why do you ask?

Just wanted to know if you were ever coming up to the Chicagoland area, and if so I'd love to watch you play.

I know the Chicago and Milwaukee foos groups would love to see you in action up here...  Lot's of action last night at our bi-monthly DYP as people are trying to get as many prep matches in before Vegas as they can.  People up here would love to see you in action, so if you are ever in town let me know.  THANKS!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 05:02:16 PM by jinhopark »

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 05:01:54 PM »
When you see "Kronko", say 2 things to him for me please......

#1). It's da' lit-l' tings' dat' make a difference, like?
(taking your ladie out on an actual date).

#2). I'm nervous and my socks are too loose!

Take care,

I'll definitely pass that message on to Frank when I see him next...  I'm sure it's an "inside joke" of sorts, and I'd love to hear the story behind those 2 quotes.

Tony Spredeman and Amedio Gilmore sometimes trek it down here from Milwaukee to Chicago and I would love to see you go head to head with some of the talent aound here...

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 01:42:51 PM »
Well washedUPole, I got to see you play way back in the day at a tournament in Pasedena at the Tornado Shelter, you know, before you were in Dave's dog house. Not sure when, because I'm a different man today as well. As far as the new table, I played on them at Texas State and at Worlds last year and I like them a lot. As bbtuna said, the new man and new ball are great. I am old school. I shoot primarily a pull, but like to mix in a push-kick now and then. With the new side strips and the sharper edge of the man, banks are more consistant, even on the roll from the 2 rod. I am planning to go to Texas State again this year, and Worlds if they are in Dallas and not Vegas. If you do make it to Texas, I would like to pick your brain for some tips. The tables are very consistant from table to table. If you are going to make the trip I would say it would be to your advantage to get a table from Charles. They do have some nuances that take a little getting use to. For instance if you are using a brush series, the man grips the ball and puts a spin on it when you stroke it through. I don't have time right now to go into everything I noticed, but there was nothing that I did not like about the tables except getting the ball off the wall with the new side strips. Tic-tac action is great and consistant.

I'll post more later when I have more time.

Paul Biquet, the ComebackKid

Offline bbtuna

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Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2010, 04:04:26 PM »
good summary by Paul, I agree, I will add playing the ball off the wall, when it is fairly slow but random (from a shot or pass) how you grab the ball is a little different since you don't have a mini ramp like you are used to so how the ball reacts and how you move your man is just enough different that you have to get used to the new angles and action...its not a big thing but it is a real thing

that said, i have been meaning to tell you, unless you can play in the official Tornado "tour" tournaments, it is not worth buying the table because few if any of the smaller regional tournaments are using converted tables let alone brand new tables (one place in TX has the new tables and they are the only one i have heard of)

if you want to experience the differnece, all you need to do is convert an existing table, new men, handles, side-strips, balls, and bearings...still cost you over $200 but cheaper than a new table and you will get 99.99% of how the new table plays - you could actually skip the handles and that would save you $40 but i like them and am glad i changed

you ar much more likely to be playing on Warrior and if you don't have one of thsoe, you would be better off spending $250-$300 on one of those tables because the differences on that talbe are much more pronouced and getting used to the changes on the 2 bar is a the biggest thing and that is super important to your singles game

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 04:59:32 PM »
if you want to experience the differnece, all you need to do is convert an existing table, new men, handles, side-strips, balls, and bearings...still cost you over $200 but cheaper than a new table and you will get 99.99% of how the new table plays - you could actually skip the handles and that would save you $40 but i like them and am glad i changed

you ar much more likely to be playing on Warrior and if you don't have one of thsoe, you would be better off spending $250-$300 on one of those tables because the differences on that talbe are much more pronouced and getting used to the changes on the 2 bar is a the biggest thing and that is super important to your singles game

I upgraded my old blonde and it playes almost as good as the new ones, but I also added new rods, Merkels on the 2 and 3. At worlds I talked to Charles and he told me that the new plastic handles were slightly heavier, so I bought some and it does make a little difference as well. It seemed to change my stroke just a little.

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 05:54:29 PM »
What is the secret to finding Merkel rods?  I only have the 2 bars right now...

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2010, 11:31:20 AM »
What is the secret to finding Merkel rods?  I only have the 2 bars right now...

The only source I know of is Charles, that's who I bought them from.

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2010, 03:30:43 PM »
Charlie Mac ran out of those Merkel rods long ago...I was praying there was a hidden stash somewhere.

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2010, 03:50:15 PM »
Guess that means if I buy a new T3000 then I'll have to take my Merkels off the old blonde before I sell it. LOL

Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas Johnny!

Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2010, 04:51:19 PM »
Buffalo Billiards in Austin, TX has 5 brand new T-3000 Tornado tables we got from Charlie at the last Bart O' Celebration Foosball Tournament which was held on 20 new T-3000 tables that Charlie brought in and set up for us. Yes, they play great, I love the new handles, several of the local players including myself quit using wraps, you don't need them unless your hands sweat a lot, then they do get a little slippery. The new men seem to have helped my pull shot and talking with a few of the local guys, they've said the same thing and yes bank shots are much improved. The only set back are the rods, they're heat treated, but not like the Merkel rods, the new rods bend easily and are hard to bend back, some of the Pro Masters I talked to at the last Bart O' seemed to like the newer rods better because of the extra flex they have, now that I think about it, maybe thats way my pull has improved.

PS: Johnny, put October 1-3, 2010 on your tour calendar, we would love to have you and your new attitude at this years Bart O'.

Offline foosdragon

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Re: TORNADO TABLE "how does the new table play"???
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2010, 08:54:57 AM »
Johnny, Mid to late 70's, just outside Lutz, Florida, somewhere on Floribraska...ring a bell ?!?