Buffalo Billiards in Austin, TX has 5 brand new T-3000 Tornado tables we got from Charlie at the last Bart O' Celebration Foosball Tournament which was held on 20 new T-3000 tables that Charlie brought in and set up for us. Yes, they play great, I love the new handles, several of the local players including myself quit using wraps, you don't need them unless your hands sweat a lot, then they do get a little slippery. The new men seem to have helped my pull shot and talking with a few of the local guys, they've said the same thing and yes bank shots are much improved. The only set back are the rods, they're heat treated, but not like the Merkel rods, the new rods bend easily and are hard to bend back, some of the Pro Masters I talked to at the last Bart O' seemed to like the newer rods better because of the extra flex they have, now that I think about it, maybe thats way my pull has improved.
PS: Johnny, put October 1-3, 2010 on your tour calendar, we would love to have you and your new attitude at this years Bart O'.