
Fargo Turf Turny

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Fargo Turf Turny
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:46:06 AM »
I would like to thank everyone who came and played foosball on sat!!  It was a great time.

We had 11 teams for the first turny and 6 for the second. 

There will be another on on April 17th.  I hope to see all of the old faces back again and some new ones as well. 

Here is a cool time lapse video that Joe put together.

Thanks agian,


Offline Joel

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 09:38:54 AM »
Can someone post the results from Saturday's tournament? I was bummed that I couldn't make it, but I'll definitely be there for the one in April.

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 11:36:20 AM »
1  TJ/Preston
2  Pat/Andy
3  Kane/Dustin


From scanning over the forums it sounds like 10 plus Microsoft employees play.  Why do they never attend?  It would be nice to keep this snowball effect going with the number of players.

Offline Joel

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 04:53:54 PM »
We have a free monthly tournament at work which usually draws around 10 - 12 people. However, about half of these players don't feel like they are good enough to play at a bar tournament. I personally think the best way to improve your game is play against tougher competition, but regardless that is their reasoning for not attending.

However, the other half of players are definitely good enough to hold their own at the Turf. Their problem is generally busy schedules and/or wives not wanting them to be gone all day on a Saturday. Believe me, I am definitely trying to get more of these guys to come play at the Turf tournaments. Having the tournaments in the afternoon is a really good idea and it will help attract people who may have other obligations in the night.

For the April tournament, I am really hoping to get at least 5 guys from work to come play. I'll let you know once it gets closer on the actual number.

P.S. Congrats to TJ and Preston on the big victory. One of these times I'd like to actually meet and play against TJ.

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 05:51:33 PM »
What time is the tournament in April happening?

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 06:00:30 PM »
We try to start them at 2pm. 

Offline Joel

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2010, 11:06:04 AM »
Are we going to have 2 tables for this Saturday?

I'm still waiting to hear back from everyone at work on who is coming or not. Right now, there are 3 of us for sure.

Einer - are you going to come down on Saturday? It'd be nice to get a few more folks from Grand Forks to come play. Also, do you know if/when Rhombus Guys is going to host another big tournament (other than the weekly ones)?

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2010, 12:22:32 PM »
Unfortunately I'm going to be out of town and Rhombus is opening up their roof this weekend so most of them will be busy with that.  Think Dan is the only one who might make it down, there were four of us last time.  Haven't heard anything as far as another big tourney up here, Arron usually schedules them when friends from far away are visiting.  I'll be sure to post whenever there is another.  Have fun on Sat.

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 10:26:12 AM »
We should have enough for 2 tables.

Post any updates. 

Offline Joel

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2010, 11:01:06 AM »
The count is now up to 5 people for sure with 2 others saying they might come.

Offline Joel

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2010, 03:08:22 PM »
Joe - have you had a chance to put together another time lapse video from the tournament last Saturday?

Also, what were the final points standings from all the tournaments?

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2010, 08:44:43 PM »
Unfortunately the new battery I had bought for the camera only lasted 17 seconds, where the previous had lasted for 32 seconds worth of video (despite having nearly double the milliampere-hours)  It's not terribly tragic because the placement of the camera was also sub-par.  We haven't figured out how to get the prime table in the shot in a way that is conducive for time-lapse video.

As far as the final standings, I don't know how it turned out.  I haven't been keeping an eye on that.  If Kane sees this message he may post with the answers.  I'm not sure if he has the final standings either though.

The Turf Manager approached us already about doing another tournament.  It seems to be getting harder to keep people in the bars with the weather getting crazy nice.  We're also talking about possibly setting up one at Sports Bar.  They got us free chili/hotdogs and chips last time which was pretty sweet.

If I get some new info, I'll post.

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2010, 02:13:09 PM »
I heard there might be another tourney in May, any confirmation on that?  Thanks,

Re: Fargo Turf Turny
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2010, 02:35:20 PM »
I haven't heard anything solid as far as tournament plans.  I know Kalcey, the manager at the Turf had mentioned setting one up shortly after the series tournament ended.  I haven't heard anything since.  It would be nice to have a tournament on the horizon here.  I wouldn't mind one at the Turf or possibly Sports.  Picking a weekend gets tough in the summer.

off-thread, I saw that link to that youtube video of the fireball table.  That thing is crazy.  Sorry for the late reply.  All the notifications for this site get sent to my junk mail.  I haven't figured a way to filter it to my inbox.  There is no email address attached to the notifications so I can't put it in a safe list.