
making coin op table free

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making coin op table free
« on: June 06, 2010, 07:07:17 AM »
I recently purchased a tornado coin op table and was wondering where to get the blank slugs for the coin op mech. to make it a free play table, can anyone help me with this? I read a few different ways to do it after I have the plastic blanks but i'm always willing to hear any suggestions. Thanks.    Jake

Re: making coin op table free
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 01:06:25 PM »
I purchased a grey marble coin op recently and had the same issue. I purchased blanks from -- you can also get them from jim on this site at Anyway with that said, when I received the blanks and got into the coin mechanism there were actually blanks in a designated area already sitting inside the coin mechanism. Kind of like a holding spot for them when they aren't in use. So be sure to check first before buying them.

Re: making coin op table free
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 03:03:45 PM »
Congratulations on your new table.

Another option for you....leave everything as is, open the cabinet and put a golf ball at the bottom of the rail to block balls from rolling into the metal shoot....remove the ready ramp and keep it inside the cabinet somewhere else.

You can reach down and grab the balls whenever needed and dont have to worry about wearing out your coin mech....When i first did this I did not like it cause it felt weird reaching in there but I got used to it quickly...also consider alot of tournaments do this so it wont be foreign to you when you are in tourn. mode.