Am interested in hosting a Lake of the Ozarks, MO Shootout.
We would arrange for a block of discounted rooms. Also would be interested in sponsorships from table manufacturers, foosball associations, etc.. This will be the first of what we hope is many Lake area events. The central location and vacation destination nature of our area makes us an ideal site.
Please take the above poll to help with planning. Also, contact me if your interested in assisting in anyway. We will need all the help we can get.
And, don't forget that every Thursday there is a tournament at Woody's Tavern at the Lake, Hwy 54. So if your planning a trip stop in. 7 p.m. ---$5 buy in.
If your in the Columbia, Jefferson City or Spfd areas it would be worth the drive. Let me know ahead so I can alert the players. Some nights we have 12-14 players but others are more sparse. Foos On!