
I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority

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I got my NEW Tornado Cyclone II foosball table two weeks ago and I would like to tell you all about the quality of the product that I received.

My local Tornado store “Go Big” in Clovis CA. delivered the Cyclone II to my house, un-boxed it, put it together and set it up.  As I watched and checked it over like a mother hen with a new hatched chick I started to notice some very disturbing things: lack of inspection, poor manufacturing practice flaws about the table.  BTW, this also crossed over to the other new tables my dealer had brought back from the Los Angeles distrubitor for setup at his own store and home too!

Buying a table of this cost and quality took a long time for me to afford.  So I expect at least better quality than the Sears table my son and I have played on for years.

So what was wrong you ask?  First, three of the rods are bent.  Yes bent, not straight, not even close to straight.

FIVE of the rods have bad plating that feels like sand paper as they pass through the plastic bushings.  The other new tables at the store are a Storm II and a Whirlwind II both had plating errors on several rods each.

Also, every table had one or more of the corner emblems peeling off.

My dealer has not heard back from the distributer as of yet, it has been two weeks.

If you buy a Tornado table be sure to inspect it really well.  But will the company stand behind their product?  We will see.

I guess buyer beware.


Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2006, 05:42:04 PM »
yikes! Sorry to hear about that. Lets hope that the company will make this right for you. Let us know how it works out.

Offline marty

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 01:09:56 AM »
don't feel bad i just bought a coin op tournament soccer table thinking it being there
most costly table it should be there best , same thing bent rods the trim on the side has a lip so if you try and bank the ball pops up .

Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 04:32:41 AM »
Plating started coming off of one of my front three rods after my cyclone II was about a month old!

Offline JohnyAsbury

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2007, 06:13:23 PM »
my plating started coming off one of my rods on a new cyclone II on the second game played !

Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 03:00:55 PM »
i got a coin-opp in May it is PERFECT...and in my area in the last 6-10 months collectivly we have purchased 4-5 new tables and they are all in perfect shape...(the emblem always falls off...LoL)

Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2007, 10:06:32 PM »
wow that sucks... hope you get this fixed asap.  Like you said, if you pay for the top quality tables they should be just that.  Good luck

Offline grandmaster

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2007, 04:59:01 PM »
Buyer beware means open the box before you pay the money. The good news is that foosball is very popular. The bad news is this means mass production which means some quality issues arise. I suggest calling the factory DIRECT and ask for " ol Dad" Steve Murray and ask him to send enough parts to make it right. My guess is he will back up his product, Tornado, and this will be a happy ending.

Hi. I am new to the forum and just wanted to let you know that I have emailed Brunswick/Valley about all of the changes that they have made in the past years. Most of what I questioned was not necessarily quality, but it was along the same lines. Please email them at

and let them know what you think. I want every Tornado foosball player out there to email them and start asking questions. It's time for someone to come up with some answers and do something about it. The rods pealing or flaking is just one of the many issues that the table has had since they have owned it. Please tell everyone you know who cares to email them. I am sorry you are having problems with your new table and hope someone at the company will stand up and do something about yours and all of the others that are inferiorly assembled, built, and engineered.

Everyone seems to have the same problem with flaking rods on Cyclone II. I did too, luckily I caught it early enough, The dealer was no help. I contacted Tornado started writing down names and just kept calling until they finally sent me out a set of the new coin op rods. The nice ones yes. Those are the rods that should be on it to begin with.Cyclone II is a fairly exspensive table and it has the split bearings so why are they putting on junk rods on it? They can't claim they are unaware of the problem. I would get on the phone and not let up until you get all the rods replaced. My 2 cents

Offline JohnyAsbury

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2007, 10:17:27 AM »
I thought the rods on the Cyclone were supposed to be the same rods that were on a coin op ??

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2007, 03:51:25 PM »
Yes they are supposed to be the heavy hollow bars that are on the coin ops. But until you open the package and inspect the merchandise there is a chance that the factory slipped in the wrong ones. Or even replaced a defective (bad plating or otherwise) heavy hollow with a regular hollow just to get the table out the door. The message is OPEN THE BOXES before you pay the money.

Offline JohnyAsbury

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2007, 09:50:19 AM »
how can one tell for sure ?

Offline grandmaster

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2007, 06:49:14 PM »
It should be visible from the ends of the rods. The heavy hollow bars have a smaller diameter hole than the regular hollow bars. The size of the hole in the end should be the same for all of the bars. Go to a location known to have coinops that are correct and find something like a pencil  or a bolt that fits nicely in the end. Use this as your standard when inspecting a box of new bars. Make sure it is the same fit. Oly

Offline JohnyAsbury

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Re: I just bought a new Tornado Cyclone II, quality is not "#1" priority
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2007, 03:35:04 PM »
I did the paper and pencil trick on a coin cyclone rods are the heavy hollow ones. I just wanted to be sure, as one of my rods flaked during the second game played.  The vendor did send me a new rod.