Think any weekend in February besides the 19th, which is the turf's tourney, would be better than March (I know you didn't mention March, but plans can tend to get delayed). Here's a list of March happenings:
5th - Minnesota Semi pro tourney near St Cloud. -Joel, are you and David planning on going again this year, anyone else interested in it?
12th - another Turf tourney
18th, 19th - Go for the Gold tourney in the Cities - it's a lot of fun, plus many pros including Dave Gummeson (has a few world championships) play, you could tell all those hot North Dakota chicks about it. And it really would be good to see some of you down there for that.
A-Ron, it'd be great if you can make it to the tourney Saturday, then you could get input from the turf guys and some verbal commitments. Besides beating them down with your push shot that is.