I'm looking to purchase a foosball table and I'm not sure if this table exists or what it would be called. Background:
I lived in Spain for a year and during that time my foosball skills and interest increased quite a bit. The only kind of table I played on that year, the only table I found, was inclined at both ends. Imagine a "V" flattened out such that the ball would eventually rest in the middle of the table. This brings me to my questions:
1. What kind of table is this (assuming it has a name)?
2. Where can I buy this kind of table?
I'm thinking that if I can't find this particular table I'll end up with a Bonzini which seems closest.
I've read about the various types on Wikipedia, but there's not a lot of info on how the tables are different, the layout of the players/men on the field, where the table is flat vs. inclined, etc. So I try to go off pictures but I haven't seen the table I describe.
Anyway, thanks for the help folks! I'm really looking forward to getting back into the sport.