About that rules question I haven't been able to find a clear answer, which leads me to think I'm probably wrong. I may have found the seed to my belief. In the Specialty Games section of the USTSF rules there is a game called Four on Four.
http://www.foosball.com/content.php?page=90 It has the following Legal Shots description.
2. Legal Shots
2.1 The game is played rollerball style, i.e., a ball may not be pinned for more than three seconds or stopped for more than one second, and there is a ten second time limit per rod.
2.2 Once a ball is stopped or pinned, the player must make sure the ball touches another man of the same team (on any rod) in order to score a point.
I did see some tournaments described as "doubles rollerball", but as far as I've been able to find today, nothing indicates that official Doubles is played rollerball style. 10 second limit is different than the 15 second total limit in the Tornado rules you had last night. I can't seem to find an Official Tornado Rules online. It seems they're very protective of the sale of the rule books.