
Help - looking for info

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Help - looking for info
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:18:35 PM »
We have a 1960's or 70's foosball table. Somewhere I read that all of the men are gone and no longer available. Well, our men are all still there, the only issue is that one is 1/2 the man he used to be, but the important part (kicker) is still there. We are the second family to own it. It has been very well cared for. I can't find a photo like it on the internet. Need some guidance. If you can help, please email me at We are trying to decide if we want to hold on to it or sell it. I do have photos I can send you if you think you can help.

Re: Help - looking for info
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 07:56:27 PM »
Can you post the photo here? I'm always curious when I see a thread like this because I'd love to find a Hurricane table from that era. Not that I'm in the market, but it would be nice to see the table I learned to play on. You can send me the photos via email otherwise. I'd love to check them out.

Re: Help - looking for info
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 10:16:20 PM »
It sure was a fun time to be playing. Every table was a puzzle to be figured out. Some let you do everything you wanted while others only allowed a very limited game. I too would like to see a pic of the table you are talking about. :D

Re: Help - looking for info
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 12:48:28 PM »