
Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls

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Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:10:23 PM »
I just started playing Foosball again after having my table in storage for almost 10 years and I have been on a quest to find the best Foosball and I have tried 4 so far.

--6 pack of SportCraft balls 4 while and 2 orange:

These balls are super fast and super loud with min. control

Cost: about 10 bucks for 6 balls

--Genuine Tornado Textured Foosball - Color Pink

These are a really good quality ball plus they are pretty quiet.  You can control these Tornados pretty well and they still have some speed to them. 

Cost: around 4 bucks per ball

--Bonzini Natural Cork Foosball

Very very good balls.  Very quiet and very good control and these things also have some speed to them.  I would say these are even easier to control than the Tornado balls.

Cost: around 4 bucks

--Bug Blaster Foosball  - Orange

This ball is really different than all of the other ones I have tried so far.  It's the slowest ball by far but the control is incredible. 

At first, I'll admit I didn't really like the Bug Blaster but after player with it for a few days it is a really fun ball.  One thing to keep in mind is this ball is a bit bigger then a std foosball so It might not fit all the way into your goal.  I should add that this ball is just as quiet as the cork balls as well.

Cost: about 4 bucks

Please let me know if there are any foosballs out there that I should definitely try.


Offline BradLaurine

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Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 09:26:25 PM »
Anybody want to jump in here.

Looking for a little help here... lol

buy them from

Somebody help me out please...

Brad Laurine

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 09:40:46 PM »
Well..... you should try the warrior ball if they are still available, great control, hold their shape over time, decent speed. And then there is the new Fireball ball I have yet to play with but I would think you ball of choice might come from one of these two.

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 10:44:48 PM »
Anybody want to jump in here.

Looking for a little help here... lol

buy them from

Somebody help me out please...

Brad Laurine

I will do on my next purchase which should be in the near future.

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 10:46:38 PM »
Well..... you should try the warrior ball if they are still available, great control, hold their shape over time, decent speed. And then there is the new Fireball ball I have yet to play with but I would think you ball of choice might come from one of these two.

Thanks for the ideas.  I will look into acquiring these

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 10:54:25 PM »
Anybody want to jump in here.

Looking for a little help here... lol

buy them from

Somebody help me out please...

Brad Laurine

Are there any coupon codes that I can use?

I'm going to try out 4 more different balls from your store.   

Fireball Ball
Bonzini Yellow Painted Foosball
Warrior Yellow Foosball
New ITSF B-Ball
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 10:56:59 PM by swanny »

Offline bbtuna

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Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 11:22:01 PM »
the new Fireball, speed and control...just an aside, I don't care about sound and never even thought about it before you mentioned it

Warrior, softer, slower, as much or more control - oh and its real quiet

Tornado Red 5 hour tumbled ball...close to the pink but a little more control, last longer

Bonzini ITSF (International Table Soccer Federation) - the ITSF made Bonzini change to this ball for tournaments because the cork ball doesn't keep round and this was Bonzini's attempt at finxing the issue

Dynamo Yellow - a lot like the Tor Red 5 hr tmb but it feels slightly heavier and starts out with more control but in the end, after they are both played for 10 hours or so, they are almost identical

By the way, what table are you playing on?  This will make a big difference on how the balls respond...their basic characteristics don't change but the table surface and feet of the men on the table can impact how the ball will impact all of them the same but just a note

all these balls run about $3-$3.50 and you can get them all right on this sight which is the best foosball sight for people who are serious about foosball...I don't mean serious like only tournament players, although that is true, but for people who just like foosball and want professional level quality and not the walmart/sportcraft junk most casual players play on...the game can be soooooooooo much better if people get to play on a quality table and have quality equipment
link to the balls

you want to have fun and play on a table where you can do everything and learn fast and not hurt yourself in the process, you should seriously plan on getting a Fireball...i have been around foosball for more than 30 years and have played on pretty much every major table and lots of the junky cheap things sold at sears and other places and I am a tournament level player who has had a Tornado coin op for more than 7 years.  I practice on it on average 2 hours a day and I have had a Fireball for the last 2 months and I can tell you, without apology or hesitation, FIREBALL is the best table you can buy

its not cheap, its not free, you aren't going to find a super cheap used one, but they are less than Tornado and they are made better in every respect.  And as you may know, Tornado tournament tables have been considered the gold standard for has better build quality than Tornado and the best balance of speed and control of any table I have EVER seen and has the best foosball rods in the world PERIOD!  nothing even close except one a $4000 table you can only get in Europe and I would put up serious cash on which rod is better...but any other table its not even close...i have the best rods Tornado ever made on my table (they are referred to as Merkel rods named after the guy who heat treated them for Tornado...only out for a couple years and can't be had any more)...anyway, I love my Merkel rods, they are super well made and the best thing Tor ever did but Tor didn't want to pay for the quality...

anyway, the Fireball rod is at least, I don't know, 5 times better?  its impossbile to compare really, I can't use enough superlatives for how good they are and how much difference they make in play and on how the table wears so much less on you physically...

anyway, tell us more about your table, your foosball past, and what you are planning to do in the days ahead...oh, and welcome back, thanks for coming on the board and sharing, its good to have fresh ideas and excitement about playing...its a fun game that has no limits and can be played at least into your 60s (we will see, the first gen oldest players are in this category and are still competitive)


Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 12:06:09 AM »

By the way, what table are you playing on? 

I currently have a Carrom table with everything standard except I don't have the original balls and I had to replace that nuts and bolts for the men as these were lost as well.

I already have an order put together on and I'm sure I'll place it in the next couple of days.  I'm looking forward to trying out the fireball!

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 03:36:12 AM »
The ITSF-B ball is a phenomenal ball if you like super grip and you don't want pieces of cork all over your table. I was hoping that the F-ball(Fireball) was going to be grippier, but it's a pretty cool ball as is warrior or tornado red. They all have their differences that suit individual games. Never got my hands on an official Garlando ball. B ball is my favorite, but that's because I'm primarily a Bonzini player, but I tor it up on Tornado tonight and my backpin was KICKING with Tornado red. 

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 08:08:21 PM »
the Warrior ball to me is probably the best ball if your looking for control and not speed...i also used the new tornado balls faster not as much control...this passed weekend we played with the new Fireball and they were pretty good for control and also speed...i would say Warrior or Fireball 2 top choices....but  i bet it would do best on a new Fireball table...LOL!...dont i wish..

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2011, 03:51:02 PM »
I just got my 3 Fireball balls on thursday, I bought them from and I like them a lot so far. I like the texture and it rolls better than the one's I have, I can also tick tack a lot better. I bought a sample bag from foosballstore/dot/com and there's some interesting balls there, the one I like the most is a glow in the dark ball, it is very fast and you has good control to do front pins successfully. There's two actually one furry and the other one smooth but not hard, we mostly play with the smooth one, the only problem is that I am begging to notice that maybe there not so round anymore, I have been playing with them for 3 months approx. I like the fireball ball but my Shelti's Rock-It playfield (I didn't have enough money to buy a better table, and they had a clearance sale) doesn't allow good speed with the fireball, the glow in the dark ball is almost twice as fast.  I guess until I own a Fireball table I wont be able to fully appreciate the ball's quality :( 

Re: Review of 4 Different types of Foos balls
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2011, 11:05:13 PM »

Received my order from  today...


I love the Fireball and I will recommend trying out this ball.  Very nice speed and very very nice control.  I also love the sound it makes when it hit another player.  I like every aspect of this type of ball.

Soccer Ball

Very very slick, very very hard and no real control.  This is also a very noisy ball.  The one really cool aspect of this type of ball is the soccer pattern when it hits the wall and starts spinning really crazy.  This was part of the cork ball kit as a bonus...obv it is not made of cork.

I also purchased the Warrior Yellow and Dynamo Yellow that I'll review at a later time.