
Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping

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Offline FOOZUL

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Re: Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2012, 05:40:10 PM »
I know, after writing that I checked out youtube and didn't see any bank-shots... ::)

Re: Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2012, 02:45:53 AM »
I've been playing Garlando for about 5 years and can tell you that bank shots do not come readily.  But, once in a blue moon I will hit the ball hard from the two bar on an unintended angle or obliquely on the ball and the bank shot is incredible.  It's incredbily fast (almost untracable) and stays on the table.  But I  just can't seem to replicate the shot when I wan't to. 

I too have watched several Garlando vids on YT and haven't seen any banks.  Aerials?  As many as you want, but not banks.  In fact, I haven't seen Collignon (an avid bank shooter from defense on several European tables) ever shoot a bank on a Garlando either.

Re: Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2012, 12:17:20 PM »
That's what I though...

I just love the color combination of the Evolution series and the ITSF Official Garlando tables. I will have to buy a Bankable table and a Garlando table he he

I would love to buy a Ulrich Home or a P4P table but they cost a lot to bring to the US. Shipping is 510€ + the cost of the table.

Someday he he. I will start my piggy bank today :D

Offline FOOZUL

  • 126
Re: Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2012, 01:17:24 PM »
Maybe you can get the Ullrich Home Model, way cheaper in price and it's shipped in flat form(you have to ensemble it) so it'll be little cheaper to ship also. Great tables, too bad they don't distribute them here.

Re: Need a Garlando 3-rod, solid through rod, non-telescoping
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2012, 02:46:53 PM »
I know, I want one of those but I am still short of cash. And I want it with all the upgrades of course :)