
Walking the Snake Shot

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Offline snake eyes

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  • Carpe De Foos
Walking the Snake Shot
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:03:40 PM »
Understanding that most either rock the ball or shoot the Rollover from a still position I am learning to walk the ball in Snake position to my strong push side and back identifying open holes in the defense. I have moderate luck in this (if) i am really having a good ball control nite.
My question is when i pin the ball is it better to hop the ball in small increments or try to skip a whole dot on the table to throw the defense off as i get ready to launch my shot? The Inside Foos videos i have watched show my mentor Tony Spredeman doing several small hops before he shoots and picks the hole is shooting at. Any advice appreciated :o

Re: Walking the Snake Shot
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 12:27:33 AM »
Before i start i am a rookie...i find the best way to shoot a snake is to rock it.....however i recently played tony at MI state...(he killed me) with his walking seemed as it he moved the ball in small increments before he shot...slightly tapping it to get a better look at me defence....with that said....when i shoot best and when alot of the players i know shoot best off of a good rock...dont forget Tony and other PMs like what they want because they have better control with the ball then any normal person....
