And If I am understanding what I read you cannot pass from a pin or stopped ball. For example I catch a ball on my two bar on the near side...ball is stopped and I execute a push around my opponents near man on his 3 rod to my 5 rod
This is illegal.
Or a front pin pull kick to the 5 rod
This is legal.
Attempted re-explanation of the passing rules.
A "pass" is anything where the forward rod exhibits any measure of control--anything where the forward rod's motion helped what happened. So in addition to catching a ball, a quick-shot (drive-by where you whack at the ball), the forward swinging his men down as the goalie shoots, etc are all considered passes even though there's no catch. But if the 3-rod is stationary and the 5-rod hits the ball and it just bounces off the 3-rod into the goal, the 3-rod didn't show any control over the motion of the ball and it's not a pass.
Rule A
IF 1. The ball stops or 2. The ball touches the front/back of any man on the bar
The ball must touch two men on the bar before being passed.
The primary exception is if you attempt to pin/brush the ball and it kind of "sticks" and squibs out forward--that's the accidental squib/stub. But if it's pinned enough for you to, say, reverse what direction the motion was in, (you're doing a brush down, the ball pins, then you move the rod up away from you and the ball shoots out) that's too long--the squib/stub rule just means that if the ball kind of "hangs up" for an instant as you're executing the pass, it's legal.
The secondary exception is if the ball is coming from another rod, you can touch it once as a "defensive stop" and then immediately pass with the same man. So, say, blocking the opponents pass/shot and immediately hitting it forward is allowed. I put "defensive stop" in quotes because it could be that the ball came from one of your other rods and it's still legal to hit it once when it first arrives from another rod and then hit it again after that.
Rule A applies to passing from the 5-bar to the 3-bar, or from the goalie/2-bar to the 5-bar. It does not apply passing from the goalie/2-bar to the 3-bar.
Rule B
Once the ball has hit the wall twice, it cannot hit the wall a 3rd time unless that contact is in the motion of the ball leaving the rod. So a fast wall pass or a brush down is okay, but doing a bounce off the wall pass is illegal.
Rule B applies to any possession on the 5-rod, not just passes (and doesn't apply on the 2-rod, 3-rod, or goalie rod).