35$ for that table? That's a pretty good buy. Congrats. I'm not familiar with the table, but I think I can offer some advice on how to get a better game out of it.
If you plan on going the wooden handle path there are some things to keep in mind. Wooden handles are ok and are usually cheaper than their 'new' rubber counterparts, but you will need a hole in the rod in order to install them. Wooden handles usually come with a hole in them where a pin is inserted in order to keep them firmly held to the rod. Thus the rod will also require a hole of similar diameter, which, if it does not already exist, will obviously need to be drilled in. Also, most players who play on tables with wooden handles will eventually wrap them in some type of wrap (like those applied to the handles of tennis raquets). This allows for better grip (which is what the rubber handles are suppose to do) and reduces slippage of the handle and also reduces sweat. In my opinion, I would go for a set of updated rubber handles (like fireball's) or a set of Garlando handles (which can be wrapped and work well) like listed here:
http://www.tischfussballshop.at/Spare-Parts/Handles/?XTCsid=6e2ef2bbcf94449a295352dbbfd88ebbMake sure you check that the diameter of the rod confirms with the diameter of the hanlde. If, when taking off your handles, you find that your rods have splines to keep your current handles on the rods, then the Garlando handles listed above may be your best bet.
Also, to make your table sturdier, I would add some weight to it (like weighlifting plates or somthing similar) to the underside of the cabinet. The better you get, the less likely you will tolerate it moving when playing a spirited game.
Lastly, go for a better ball. For your table, I would recommend a 'gummier' ball, like an older Barenherz Magic ball (if you can find one - if not, a newer one is also ok) or one like the Leonhart table players use (can also be found in the site above). No need to have more than three (two is enough, but you're bound to lose one eventually). The reason I say 'for your table' is because of the rounded toes on the men. This allows you to 'pin' the ball with the player's foot. In order to do this readily, a gummier ball will be required. I find larger, harder balls (like what Tornado tables use) are not the best suited for that type of table.
Good luck